8 - Care of Magical Creatures

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It had been a couple weeks since the start of term, with nothing very exciting going on.

In those weeks that had passed, George hadn't made any more "moves" on me, as my friends liked to say. The only class that we sat together in was Defense Against the Dark Arts, and we had yet to speak again, him only passing notes which contained doodles.

I was currently waiting for Care of Magical Creatures to start, standing outside of Hagrid's hut with Naomi, Katherine, and Cedric, when I felt someone come up on my left.

When I turned my head, I saw one of the Weasley twins already looking at me. He smiled at me when we made eye contact, and then got sucked back into a conversation with his brother.

I continued to look at him. I had been trying to find the small differences between the two identical twins, as I figured no two people could look exactly alike.

And I was right. The biggest difference between them was their noses. George's had a cute little bump, while Fred's was just flat.

Judging by the bump on his nose, I came to the conclusion that the twin next to me was George, right as he looked over at me again.

Once he gave me a questioning look, I realized I had just been blankly staring at him for far too long.

"You ok?" George asked me, making me shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry," I apologized. "I was just trying to see if I could figure out who you are."

He gave me a puzzled look. "You don't know who I am?"

"Sorry! Again," I nervously chuckled. "I meant, I was trying to figure out which twin you are, since, you know, you and your brother are basically identical."

"Ohhh," he slowly nodded his head in understanding. "So, have you figured out if I'm Fred or George?"

"Well, if my thoughts are correct, then I'm pretty sure you're George."

"Your thoughts are, in fact, correct," he said with a grin. "I'll have to say, Adriana, I am quite impressed that you've already figured out who's who. Our mum still gets us mixed up, and she bloody gave birth to us!"

I laughed, my attention soon getting drawn to Hagrid who walked out of his hut, carrying a cage.

"Welcome class," Hagrid greeted us, setting the cage down on one of the tables that had been set up. "Gather 'round, all of yeh, I think yeh'll like today's lesson."

The whole class gathered around the table Hagrid was standing at, me ending up in the front of the crowd, standing opposite Hagrid.

"Now," he started while pulling a creature out of the cage, "can anyone tell me what this here creature is?"

Hagrid had pulled out a small niffler with black, fluffy fur, and I immediately got excited as I recognized its adorable face.

"It's a niffler!" Someone from the class excitedly shouted.

"It's so cute," Katherine said in awe.

"He sure is. I'll have yeh know that this niffler here is particularly special," Hagrid said while the niffler was frantically wriggling in his grip. "Here yeh go, bud," Hagrid released it onto the table.

Everyone watched on as the niffler quickly scurried across the table and leapt onto my robes, running up to perch on my shoulder.

"Hi there," I gently said to the niffler, who responded by sniffing my face and snuggling up against it.

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