58 - The Third Task

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"Adriana, dear," Professor Sprout said, coming to stand behind where Katherine and Naomi were sitting. "The champions will be congregating in the chamber off the Hall after breakfast. All of your families have been invited to watch the final task, and you have a chance to greet them right now." I opened my mouth to speak, but Professor Sprout just raised her hand to stop me. "I know your parents are muggles, which unfortunately stops them from being able to be here today, but there are others here in place of them."

"Okay..." I said, trying to figure out who'd come in place of my parents. "Who is it?"

"You'll just have to figure that out for yourself, dear," she smiled, gesturing over to the next chamber.

"I'll see you all later, then," I told my friends, getting up to cross the Hall to the side chamber, Fleur joining me as I entered. She headed to the right side of the room, where her little sister and mum were waiting. I stood just inside the chamber as Viktor entered as well, heading to the left to talk to his parents. My attention was then drawn to the fireplace, where I saw Mr. and Mrs. Diggory, Mrs. Weasley, and Bill. Once the four of them noticed me, they waved me over with smiles.

"It's so good to see you again, Adriana," Mrs. Diggory said as she wrapped me up in a hug.

"You as well," I replied, hugging her back. Once she released me, I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Supporting you, of course!" Mr. Diggory exclaimed with a large grin. "We've been updating your parents on the tournament throughout the school year, and we informed them that the parents of the champions are invited to come and watch the final task. Of course, they were disappointed that they wouldn't be able to come out and watch, since they can't even see Hogwarts in the first place, but they asked us to come in their stead."

"I'm here for you as well, dear," Mrs. Weasley spoke up. "I've come to support both you and Harry. Speaking of, where is he?"

I briefly glanced around the room with Mrs. Weasley. "No idea," I said, shaking my head. "He was out in the Hall. I'll go see if I can find him." I headed back to the door of the chamber, poking my head out to see Harry just as he got up from the Gryffindor table. "Come on Harry! We're waiting for you!"

Harry turned his head to me, confusion on his face as he walked over and entered the chamber. I walked back to the fireplace, conversing with the Diggorys as Harry talked to Mrs. Weasley and Bill.

"Charlie wanted to come, but he couldn't get time off. He said you were incredible against the Horntail," I heard Bill say. "You too, Adriana."

I turned my head toward Bill, who was looking at me with a smile. "He keeps going on about all the new nicknames he's been making for you. I will tell you, they all have something to do with broom skills and dragons. Be prepared for that the next time you see him."

I nodded my head, chuckling slightly as I continued to talk with Mr. and Mrs. Diggory. Eventually, Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Harry headed out to walk around, and I followed with the Diggorys, taking a different path to just chat and wait for my friends to finish their exams.

Once lunch rolled around, Mr. and Mrs. Diggory joined me, Cedric, Katherine, and Naomi at the Hufflepuff table. We all talked and laughed a bunch, and I was successful at forgetting the impending task to come later that day.

I wasn't very successful at forgetting about the task at dinner. I could barely eat any of the food Mrs. Diggory had put on a plate for me. The nervousness only spiked when Professor Dumbledore stood up from the staff table and ordered everyone to be silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he started, "in five minutes' time, I will be asking you to make your way down to the Quidditch field for the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Will the champions please follow Mr. Bagman down to the stadium now."

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