18 - Mr. and Mrs. LaVey

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"Have a nice day!" I told a customer after they paid for their book and were leaving the shop. Once they were gone, I let my fake customer service smile drop and went back to organizing new books with a bored expression. I continued doing so until I heard the bell on the door ding, and I prepared myself to have to deal with more people, until I looked up and recognized who had entered the shop.

"Welcome in," I said, smiling at George as he approached the counter.

"Why hello there," he said, leaning on the counter. "This seems oddly familiar."

"Probably because we were in this exact same situation a couple of months ago," I laughed.

"Yeah," he nodded his head. "How's your day been?"

"Boring," I sighed. "I've just been here all day, sorting books and helping customers. How about you?"

"Well, first my mum had me and my siblings do chores, but once those were done me, Fred, and Ginny played some Quidditch, and then I escaped the house to come here," George replied.

"Interesting," I said, nodding my head.

"Mhmm," he hummed. "So, did you get a reply from your parents about coming over to mine for Christmas dinner?"

"Oh! Yeah I did," I answered. "Just like I thought, they are fine with me coming over. They said that they'd just go and get some dinner from a small restaurant down the road."

"Okay, good," he said, seemingly relieved. "My mum usually has dinner ready around six, so I can come and get you sometime before that. Whatever works for you."

"Will you be able to come over here at around noon?"

"I mean, yeah," George nodded. "Like I said, whatever works for you."

"Well, I want to make sure it works for you as well," I said, a smile growing on my face.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "noon will work. Exactly what time should I get over here, though?"

"Anytime between twelve and one works," I told him. "No need to worry about being punctual."

"Got it," he said. "But, just so you know, I will probably be here at exactly twelve."

I laughed before responding. "That's perfectly fine."

Just as the clock above the television turned to twelve, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," I yelled to my parents, getting up from the couch and walking out the door and into the bookshop. Waiting outside the door of the shop was none other than George, rocking back and forth on his heels.

I opened the door with a smile. "I see you're true to your word," I said, catching this attention.

"Yeah," he said with a slight chuckle. "Merry Christmas, by the way."

"Merry Christmas to you too. Come on in," I told him, holding the door open wider.

He stepped into the shop, and I closed the door behind the both of us, gesturing for him to follow me through the back door, exiting the store and entering my house.

"My parents said they wanted to meet you before we left," I told George, leading him into my house. "I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all," he said, shaking his head slightly. "It makes sense, seeing as I'm about to whisk you away for Christmas dinner."

I laughed at that, causing a smile to grow on George's face. I then led him into the kitchen, where my parents were sitting at the table, doing some paperwork or something.

"Mum, dad," I said to catch their attention. "This is George."

My mother instantly shot up from her chair, a smile on her face as she walked over and held out her hand to George.

"Hello there," my mum said, shaking George's hand. "My name's Evonne. It's very nice to meet you. I've already heard so much about you from Adriana."

My cheeks flushed and my eyes widened as George let out a nervous laugh. "Nice to meet you as well. I hope she's only said good things about me."

"Oh, the best," she replied, releasing George from the handshake and looking over her shoulder. "Corvin, get over here and say hello to George."

"Yes ma'am," my dad said, getting up and walking over to us. "Nice to meet you George. The name's Corvin, as you might've heard my lovely wife say."

My mum turned to my dad, glaring at him a little. "That better not have been sarcastic. You'll be regretting your words later if it was."

"Oh, I know, sweetheart, I know," my dad told my mum, turning to look at George and I. "Well, we won't hold you two here for much longer."

"Have fun, you two," my mum continued for my dad. "Be home no later than twelve tonight. Which would also be tomorrow morning, but, you know what I mean."

"Okay," I said with a smile. "Goodbye then." I proceeded to turn and start pushing George towards the door before any more conversation could get started up.

"Nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. LaVey! Merry Christmas!" George told my parents while easily stopping me from pushing him.

"Merry Christmas!" my mother replied, waving as George stopped resisting me and let me push him out the door.

"Your parents seem nice," George said as we made our way out of the bookstore and onto the streets of the village. "And, they're letting you stay out for basically the whole day!? Your mum said she wants you home at twelve tonight. That's, like, twelve whole hours that we've got to hang out!"

I laughed at his exclamation. "My parents are usually pretty lenient when it comes to hanging out with friends. They say I spend too much time holed up in my room and not enough time outside, socializing."

"I guess that's a valid reason for why they let you stay out so late," George shrugged. "Anyways, is there anything specific that you'd wanna do today? Y'know, while we wait for dinner."

"Not that I can think of," I shook my head. "I was just going to go along with what you did."

"Alright then," he said. "That'll probably consist of playing Quidditch, just so you're aware. But first, I'll make sure to introduce you to the rest of my family. Minus Ron. He stayed at Hogwarts with his friends."

"Sounds good," I replied, quieting down as we walked out of Ottery St. Catchpole and into some barren fields. I glanced over at George, taking note of the red and gold sweater he wore, which made my thoughts go to the red and gold scarf he had given me.

Oops, I thought as my eyes widened. I still have that scarf.

"Hey George," I broke the comfortable silence between us. "I never gave you your scarf back, I'm now realizing."

"Huh," he said, "I guess you haven't. No worries, though. You can just keep it."

"I can?"

"Yeah," he said with a hint of a smile. "I've got plenty more where that scarf came from. My mum actually knits me and my siblings stuff for Christmas every year. This sweater that I'm wearing and the scarf I gave you are both things she's made me."

"And you're still letting me keep the scarf? Even though your mum made it for you?" I questioned.

"Yes, I am," George had an amused grin on his face now. "My mum makes something for me every Christmas, so it's not like I have a shortage of scarves. And, besides, if you keep the scarf, I won't have to give you a Gryffindor colored clothing item every time Gryffindor plays at school."

"Alright then," I slowly nodded my head. "And how do you know that I'll wear the scarf whenever you play?"

"Because I'll make you," he replied with a teasing smile. "If you don't wear the scarf I've given you, I'll bring more scarves and make you wear them, and then keep them, until I run out of scarves. That's when I'll bring out the sweaters."

"Mhmm," I hummed. "I guess I'll wear the scarf, then. Although, I wouldn't mind having a knitted sweater. The one you have on seems very comfy. And I absolutely love sweaters."

George nodded his head. "Good to know."

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