35 - Summer's End

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"Alright, children, we must get going now so you all don't miss the train," Mrs. Weasley said while rounding me, Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny up and herding us out the door and into the heavy, pouring rain, Bill and Charlie coming along with us.

We all quickly made our way to the muggle village, where we stopped by the post office in order to call some muggle taxis. I tried to help Mrs. Weasley use the telephone, I even suggested that we could stop by my house to use our telephone, but Mrs. Weasley, being the kind woman she is, was adamant on using the phone herself, insisting that the phone at the post office worked perfectly well.

We found ourselves standing in the rain-washed yard in front of the post office soon after Mrs. Weasley braved the telephone, watching as three taxi drivers heaved six heavy Hogwarts trunks into their cars, as well as my very light one.

The taxi drivers look very unhappy and very confused at the sight of our trunks, as well as mine and Ron's owls and Hermione's cat. It didn't help when, what I was later told was many Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks, suddenly going off in Fred's trunk.

Eventually, we split up into each of the three cars. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Bill were in one car, Fred, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley were in another, and me, George, and Charlie were in the last.

"So," George started once we were on our way to the station. He leant in close to me to whisper without being overheard by the taxi driver or Charlie. "Since I predicted last year's fiasco, what do you think this year's will be? It might be a little harder to guess, since there isn't any obvious impending doom like a mass murderer on the loose."

I slowly turned my head to George, ignoring how close our faces were. "What do you mean by that?" I whispered back, confused. "I thought Sirius Black escaped into the night? Is he not still on the loose?"

A look of panic took over George's face. "Right. What I meant was that Sirius Black already had his visit to Hogwarts, and almost got killed, so what are the chances of him coming back? They seem very slim."

I just stared at him for a moment. "Alright..." I pushed off the suspicious thought that George was hiding something. "Well, not thinking about the mass murderer..." I trailed off in thought. "I'd say it might have something to do with Death Eaters, since they showed up at the World Cup. Like, a Death Eater might show up at Hogwarts in one way or another."

"Interesting guess," he nodded. "How would they show up, might I ask?"

"I don't know!" I quietly exclaimed. "Maybe they'd come in disguised as a student or professor or something, so they can get in unseen and not arouse suspicion."

"Smart idea," George said.

"What do you think's going to happen?"

"Hmm." He thought for a second. "Not sure. I think your guess might be pretty spot on, nothing I could come up with could top it."

"Hey, you're not allowed to do that," I told him. "I came up with my own guess, and so do you."

"But yours is the most logical guess as to what could happen this year, so, therefore, I vote on what you said," George weakly defended. "Death Eaters will be at Hogwarts."

"Fine." I narrowed my eyes at him. "But I get all the credit if Death Eaters do show up at Hogwarts."

"Sounds good to me." With that, our whispered conversation ended, and the taxi driver soon announced that we had arrived at King's Cross. We got our trunks from the drivers and headed across the busy road in the pouring rain and into the station.

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