10 - A Weasley Among the Hufflepuffs

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"What do we have here?"

I turned to my left, where I saw Naomi sitting down next to me with a smug smirk on her face.

"A conversation that doesn't involve you," I told her, turning back to focus on George.

"Now that's just plain rude, you know," Naomi said with a fake pout. "I was just wondering why a Weasley is sitting at the Hufflepuff table. Without his other half, might I add."

"I'll have you know, I do, in fact, do things without Fred," George said, offended. "And today, right now, is one of those times that I am doing something without him. I woke up early, couldn't fall back asleep, got hungry, and came here to get breakfast. And it just so happened that Fred and Lee were still asleep, which means that I came down here alone. And it also just so happened that Adriana was sitting here, alone, when I arrived, so I decided to join her."

"Mhmm, ok," Naomi hummed, a knowing smile on her face.

I glared at her for a moment before turning back to George, ignoring her presence as she dug into her breakfast.

"So, what else do you want to know?" I asked him.

"What?" His attention snapped back to me.

I laughed a little. "What else would you like to know about me? Wasn't that the original point of our conversation? You said that enough has been said about you and not enough about me, which I assumed meant you wanted to know more about me."

"Oh yeah," George let out a nervous laugh, his cheeks tinted pink. "Well, I guess since you know about my career plans, do you have any?"

"Hm," I thought for a minute. "Not really. I used to think I wanted to work with magical creatures, but now I'm not so sure. I plan on talking it out with Professor Sprout later this year. Maybe she'll have some advice."

"So, you have no plan? Whatsoever?" he questioned.

"Yep," I said with a nod. "I'm not very worried about it. I'm only fifteen, so I've still got plenty of time to decide. Also, my tastes could change by the time I finish school, and I could totally regret the career path I've decided to take. So, I'm therefore not very worried that I don't have a clue as to what I want to do in the future."

"Does your mum not bother you every day that you're at home for holidays about future career plans?" George asked, shocked.

I laughed, and before I could answer, Naomi spoke up, "Has she not told you what her mother is like? That woman hates everything and anything that has to do with magic. She doesn't care what Adriana does in the future, she just wants her daughter to do well in school, graduate, and make a good living for herself."

"Well, Adriana did tell me what her mum is like," George answered. "I just sort of forgot about that. You know, I'm not used to having parents who don't understand magic in the first place, and I'm also not used to having a mum who doesn't constantly scold me and my brother for wanting to run our own joke shop instead of wanting to work in the Ministry like our dad."

"Your mum scolds you for following your aspirations?" I asked, very confused as to why a parent wouldn't support their child's dreams, especially when it's something as simple as a joke shop.

"Yeah," he said with a glum look on his face. "She thinks it's a bad idea, that it won't make any money or be successful in the long run. She also hates it when we do any sort of planning for the shop and the products. She tried to throw Fred's planning notebook away before."

"No offense, but your mum sounds like a fucking bitch and I don't like her, even though I know nothing about her," Naomi stated.

"I agree," I said. "Parents should be supportive of their children and love them unconditionally. It really makes no sense when parents make a whole other person who will have their own aspirations and their own personality and expect for that child to do exactly as the parents want. Like, they push onto their child what they wanted to do in life, and get upset when the child has their own dreams. Makes no sense."

"What makes no sense?"

I, once again, looked to the left and saw Cedric sitting down next to George, Katherine following and sitting next to Cedric.

"It makes no sense as to why parents force their dreams and shit that they wanted to do in life onto their children, and then get mad when the children want to do something different," I answered Cedric's question.

"Yeah, that doesn't make any sense," Cedric nodded. He glanced to his left, where George was sitting, and looked back to Naomi and I. "Another question, why is there a Weasley twin at the table?"

George threw his hands up in exasperation. "Why is it so weird for me to be seen at a table other than Gryffindor?"

"Because you've never sat at another house's table. Nor have you ever been seen in the Great Hall without your twin," Katherine said. "Now that I think about it, you're usually not here when I arrive for breakfast. What got you here so early?"

"Well-" George was interrupted before he could continue.

"Apparently, from what George here said, you are George, right?" Naomi asked, to which George responded with a nod. "Cool. George apparently woke up early, without his dorm mates, came down to breakfast alone, and joined our dear friend Adriana, who was also here alone. A total coincidence, if you ask me," she finished with a wink to Cedric and Katherine.

"Ohhh," Katherine and Cedric both said simultaneously, knowing smiles filling their faces.

I glared at them both, about to go back to talking to George, when yet another person had to come and interrupt us.

"Well well well, here's where you ran off too, Georgie," Fred came up behind George. "Lee and I were wondering where you disappeared off to when we woke up. You've ditched us for the Hufflepuffs, I see."

George turned and elbowed his twin in the stomach before replying, "I didn't ditch you, I just woke up before you two and left to get breakfast since I was hungry. Adriana was the only one in here that I sort of knew when I arrived, so I joined her. They," he paused and pointed to my three friends, "all joined afterwards."

"Ok, yeah, alright," Fred said, not believing a word his brother had said. "Well, if you need me, my dear brother, I will be at the Gryffindor table with Lee, where we will wallow in our sorrows from you abandoning us. See you around, maybe," Fred said, a fake look of hurt on his face, and, with a dramatic flair of his robes, he walked away.

George rolled his eyes at his brother's antics, and turned back to me with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that."

I had a grin on my face from their interaction. "It's fine. Although, you might want to get back to your regular table. Fred keeps glaring at me."

George whipped around to face the Gryffindor table, where he saw Fred in the middle of glaring at me. As soon as Fred saw George staring, Fred changed his glare into a smile and gave a small wave before going back to his breakfast.

George sighed and turned back around. "Yeah, probably," he reluctantly got up and grabbed his bag, giving me a small wave. "See you later, Adriana."

I waved back at him with a small smile. "See you in class."

I watched as he walked away towards his brother, and when I looked back at my friends, they were all staring at me.

"Nope," I immediately said. "You are not going to drag me back to the dorm and make me explain myself again. I refuse. There is no explanation needed. We talked about our families and my nonexistent career plans. That's it. No. Flirting."

I looked around at Cedric, Katherine, and Naomi, who all had smug smirks on their faces while slowly nodding their heads.

"You guys are plotting something, aren't you," I said.

Naomi went from slowly nodding to slowly shaking her head, "Not. At. All."

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