50 - The Yule Ball Begins

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Applause filled my ears as George and I entered the Great Hall, walking toward a large round table at the top of the hall, where all the judges were sitting.

I admired the hall as we walked, taking in the walls that had been covered in sparkling silver frost, as well as the hundreds of garlands of what looked to be mistletoe crossing the ceiling.

Once we reached the table, I noticed that one of the judges, Mr. Crouch, was missing. In his place was Percy.

"What's your brother doing here?" I asked George, who was watching as Percy beckoned Harry over. George shrugged as Harry sat down next to Percy, his date sitting to his left, while George drew out a chair for me and sat down next to Harry's date.

"No idea," George answered, eavesdropping on what Percy was saying to Harry. It turned out that Percy had gotten a promotion and was now Mr. Crouch's personal assistant, and had come in his place, since Mr. Crouch was apparently not feeling well.

I just shrugged as George and I made eye contact before I looked down at the plate in front of me. There was a small menu lying in front of the plate, which I picked up and looked over. I then looked around the Great Hall, slightly confused as to how we were supposed to get our dinner.

I was just about to ask George about it, but my attention was drawn to Professor Dumbledore when I heard him say, "Pork chops!" Not even a second later, pork chops appeared on his plate.

Apparently the rest of the students were also confused about the food situation, as shouts of dinner orders soon arose once Professor Dumbledore had demonstrated what to do. I too said my order, and dug in while making light conversation with George.

Once dinner had ended, Professor Dumbledore instructed all the students, except for the champions, to stand up. Once they had, he made all the tables zoom back along the walls of the hall, clearing the floor in the center. He then conjured a raised platform along the right wall, and some people, who looked like a band of some sort, stepped up onto the stage. They were met with enthusiastic applause and cheers.

"Who are they?" I asked George, who was one of the people cheering the loudest.

He stopped clapping and looked over to me with a confused expression. "How do you not know who the Weird Sisters are?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Are they a wizarding band? Nevermind, don't answer that question. They're at Hogwarts, they're obviously a wizarding band."

George laughed before suddenly standing up from his seat, holding his hand out for me. I gently grabbed it and stood as well, confused for a moment before he led me onto the dance floor with the other champions and their partners. I had forgotten about the opening dance the champions were supposed to do.

"Are you ready for this?" George whispered to me as he placed his right hand on my waist, the other holding my right hand while I placed my left hand on his shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I nervously whispered back. "Let's see if all those dance lessons were worth it."

Before any more words could be exchanged, the band that was apparently called the Weird Sisters started playing a slow tune, the same I had heard countless times over the last few weeks.

George and I then began doing the traditional waltz we had been taught. At first, I did my best to be all graceful and do it exactly as I had been told, but then I gave up, and focused more on having fun than anything else. George and I might have looked ridiculous, swinging around the dance floor together and laughing, but I didn't care.

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