19 - Let's Play Some Quidditch

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"Here we are," George said, ending our previous conversation where we ranked the different Defense Against the Dark Arts professors we've had. I looked away from George and up at the house in front of me.

The Burrow, I read from a sign posted near the entrance of the house. I absolutely love it.

The Burrow looked like it started as one small house at the base, but rooms had been added here and there as needed, towering up until it was several stories high, seemingly held up by magic.

"Is your house held up by magic?" I voiced my thoughts.

"Basically," George laughed. "What do you think? It's not much, but it's home."

"It's absolutely amazing. It looks so cozy and inviting from the outside," I told him, easing the obvious nervousness displayed on his face.

"That's good," he smiled. "Well, are you ready to meet the rest of my family?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess," I replied, butterflies forming in my stomach at the thought.

George nodded his head and started walking again, to the front door of the Burrow, and opened it, waving for me to follow him in.

We entered the house and were greeted by a very busy kitchen. Stuff was flying everywhere. And I mean that literally. There was not a single person in sight besides George and I, yet there were knives cutting vegetables by themselves, dishes were being cleaned and dried by a floating sponge and towel, potatoes were being peeled by a floating peeler, and much, much more.

"Holy shit," I whispered, in awe of what was going on before my eyes.

"This," George said, snapping me out of the trance I was in, "is what an all magic household looks like."

"I want to stay here forever."

George laughed at that, as well as at the entranced look on my face. "Mum!" he yelled out over the bustling noise of the kitchen. "I'm back with Adriana!"

The woman I had previously met on Platform 9¾, Mrs. Weasley, came hurrying into the kitchen, a smile growing on her face as she saw George and I standing by the front door.

"Welcome, dear," she said to me. "I hope you're enjoying my home so far. George tells me that you come from a muggle family, that you don't have much magic at all in your house, so I hope the stuff flying everywhere isn't too much."

"I absolutely love your home," I answered. "It's very cozy and warm and it feels like the embodiment of the word 'home'. And, George is right. There is absolutely zero magic that goes on in my house, so this is a huge change. A good change."

"Good," Mrs. Weasley said with a big smile on her face. "I'm glad you feel welcome in my house. That's what I strive for. Anyways, as you can tell, dinner is currently in the process of being made. should be ready around six. Uhm," she paused, "ah, you haven't been introduced to my husband yet, have you?"

"No," I shook my head.

"Arthur!" she yelled after I replied to her.

"Yes, dear?" came a voice from further into the house.

"Get in here and greet George's friend."

There was no reply, but seconds later, the man who I assumed to be Arthur entered the kitchen and joined our little group. "Hello there," he said, holding out his hand, which I accepted. "I assume you're George's friend that I should be greeting."

"You are correct," I said, amused. "My name's Adriana."

"Arthur Weasley," he replied. "Nice to meet you."

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