82 - The Date

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"What can I do to convince you to go into Madam Puddifoot's?" George asked, smiling, as we walked down the main street of Hogsmeade together.

"Absolutely nothing," I replied, trying to drag him away from the direction of said tea shop.

"Oh, come one, love," George said, resisting my pull. "Not even for one tiny cup of tea?"


"Why not?" he questioned as he moved to the side of the street, so we wouldn't be completely blocking the way. "Almost every couple goes to Madam Puddifoot's. It'll be an experience."

"The keyword here is 'almost'," I said. "We don't have to be one of those couples who goes in and makes out right in front of one of the windows for all to see."

"You're right," George said. "We don't have to be one of those couples. But, we could be one of the couples who sits in a corner of the shop, away from all the windows, and makes out. If you want, of course." I just stayed silent, not replying as I stared up at George. "Why do you hate Madam Puddifoot's so much, love?"

"I don't hate it," I corrected. "I mean, I've never even been in there before. I just alway hate walking by and seeing all the couples being disgusting with each other. In the past, when I'd walk past and see all that, it'd just make me remember that literally no one likes me like that. Plus, the decorations in there are very tacky."

"Well," George started, taking both my hands in his, "we could make those bad memories into good ones. Together. You've got someone right in front of you who really, really likes you. And just so happens to be dating you. He's one lucky man, if I do say so myself."

"I think I'm the lucky one," I said, "being chosen by him, when he could have literally anyone else."

"I don't want anyone else," George said, moving his hands to rest on the sides of my face. "You're my love, and I'm yours. I don't want it any other way, Ada." He then leant in, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "So, what do you say about that cup of tea now?"

"I guess it won't be that bad," I said after some thought. "It'll be an experience."

"That it shall." George stepped back some, dropping his hands from my face to take hold of one of my hands again. He then led me back into the crowd of Hogsmeade, weaving through all the people until we reached the door of Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.

George and I stood just in front of the door when we first entered, taking in the atmosphere around us. The decorations were just as tacky as they were from the outside, and couples were at almost every table. Some were holding hands, some were just gazing into each other's eyes, and some were making out, like I often saw from the street.

George and I quickly stopped looking around and made our way through the shop to a little table in the corner, luckily away from all the major windows looking out onto Hogsmeade. As we headed there, I spotted a familiar face with red hair, the same shade as the man who was pulling me through the shop.

"Hey look," I said, nodding over at Ginny, "Ginny's on a date too."

"She's what?!" George said, looking over at his sister in shock. "Who's that?!"

"Her boyfriend, I'm guessing," I replied, pushing George down into a seat at the table before I sat down as well.

"Her what?!" George said, still in shock. "Since when did she have a boyfriend?!"

"She told Hermione and I they started dating at the end of the last school year, around the same time as you and I," I explained. "They apparently met at the Yule Ball."

My Love ✧ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now