93 - Mr. Weasley

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"Come on," I said, smirking, as shouts of the Impediment Jinx sounded around George and I, "take your best shot."

George glared at me, before shouting, "Impedimenta!" and shooting the jinx at me.

I held my arms out to the side, not even trying to produce a shield as the spell flew toward me. It hit me, but immediately rebounded, flew away, and hit the wall, just as if I had produced a shield. I grinned as I watched it, before turning my attention to George, who continued to glare at me.

"What?" I asked innocently, with a not-so-innocent smile.

"This isn't fair," he replied.

"And yet," I started, "you chose me as your dueling partner every time."

"I don't get why I do it either."

I smiled at him again as I placed my wand in my pocket and walked toward him. I took off the bracelet on my left wrist once I was standing in front of him and stuffed it into his pocket, before walking back to my original spot a few feet away from him. I took my wand out of my pocket and pointed it toward him, quickly shooting the Impediment Jinx at him. George watched as the spell hurtled toward him, letting it hit square on his chest before it bounced away.

"That's fun," he said with a grin. I nodded, mirroring his smile, before it faded away and my mouth dropped open as an idea popped into my mind. George dropped his smile as well, confusion taking over his face as he asked, "Everything alright?"

"Everything's perfect!" I said excitedly, quickly walking over to him to talk to him in a low voice, so only he would be able to hear me. "Remember when I got those necklaces, the ones with the star and moon charms, from Hogsmeade?" George nodded when I paused. "Well, like I said, I got them for Sirius and Remus, but I kept feeling like I wanted to do something more for them. The necklaces are just so simple, but I couldn't think of anything to make them better."

"So does that mean you've thought of something?"

"Yes!" I responded excitedly. "I'm going to enchant the necklaces like Aberforth enchanted my bracelet."

"You know how to do that?"

"Nope," I said. "I'm going to ask Aberforth to teach me."

"When?" George questioned. "We leave in only two days for the holidays."

"Two days still gives us plenty of time to take a trip to Hogsmeade," I pointed out. "But we're going to go tonight."

"Tonight?" George repeated. "You mean 'after the meeting and after curfew' tonight?"


"But why tonight?" he asked. "Why not tomorrow?"

"Because I want to learn sooner rather than later," I told him. "Who knows how long it's going to take to enchant those necklaces."

As soon as Harry ended the meeting, I rushed with George back to the Hufflepuff common room and to my dorm to retrieve the necklaces. We then quickly snuck through the corridors and to the secret passage to Hogsmeade. I think we actually managed to cut the travel time to Hogsmeade down at least ten minutes with how quickly I was making us walk.

We soon reached the trapdoor, and George pushed it open and closed it back behind us once we'd both gotten out of the passageway. We then climbed up the stairs that lead to the main floor of Honeydukes, heading through the already opened door at the top of the stairs and into the shop. Once I exited the cellar, I spotted Ambrosius restocking candy from the several boxes he had laid about. He soon noticed us standing just in front of the door to the cellar, and gave us a grin before directing his attention to the clock on the wall above George and I.

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