30 - The Quidditch World Cup

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"How high do we have to climb?" I panted as we still continued on our journey up the seemingly endless stairs of the stadium.

"We're headed to the Top Box!" I heard Mr. Weasley yell from the front of the group. "We'll have some of the best seats in the stadium! I promise you, this climb will be worth it!"

At last, we reached the top of the staircase, which actually did come to an end, and we arrived in a small box, situated at the highest point of the stadium. There were a handful of seats in this little box, lined up in two rows. Mr. Weasley led us to sit in the first row, and what he had said earlier was true. I could see the whole stadium from here, and my mouth dropped open in amazement at the sheer size of it.

"Cool, right?" George drew my attention away from the giant stadium to him, and I immediately nodded my head. "Was it worth the trek here and the journey up the stairs?"

"Totally." I went back to looking around the stadium, watching as all the different witches and wizards filled into their seats. I then moved my eyes to the gigantic blackboard that was directly opposite the box we were sitting in. I watched on in more amazement as gold writing appeared, noticing that advertisements were being flashed for all to see.

I just continued to watch as the adverts were written and then erased, all the noise in the stadium, and all the conversations around me fading to background noise. I had no idea how long I had been zoned out for, until a hand waved in front of my face. I followed the arm to see George looking at me, an amused expression on his face.

"You've been staring at that blackboard for like, thirty minutes, Adriana," he chuckled. "What's so entertaining about it?"

"Everything," I answered. I then looked back at the board, expecting to see another advertisement written on it, but instead it displayed the scores for Ireland and Bulgaria, both at zero, of course.

I was about to ask where the adverts went, when a voice suddenly boomed across the stadium, saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!" Cheers roared across the stadium, and the voice had to talk even louder to be heard. "And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce... the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!" This time, only the right side of the stadium erupted in cheers, and it was no surprise as to why, since it was just a solid block of red.

I then leaned in close to George, so he could hear me when I asked, "Who's the one speaking? And how can everyone hear him?"

"It's Ludo Bagman," George said to me, also leaning in. "He's using the Sonorus charm, which allows for the caster's voice to be amplified."

"Oh." My attention was quickly drawn from the idea of the charm to the field, where there were many very beautiful women gliding out. "Are... are women the mascots for the Bulgarians?"

"Not women," Bill spoke up from my left. "Veela."

I briefly glanced back to the field, and before I could question what the hell veela are, the things on the field started to dance. At first I thought it was weird, their dancing, but then I thought it was quite pleasant. I wouldn't mind watching them forever, to be honest. There was a distant thought in the back of my head, which tried to convince me to do something impressive, but I shook it off. They aren't who I want to impress.

A hand waved in front of my face, successfully snapping me out of the trance I had been put in. I followed the hand to see Charlie leaning over Bill, who had his fingers in his ears, and they were both smirking at me. I was confused, and I looked back down to the field to see that the veela had stopped dancing and were now lining up on one side of the field.

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