74 - September 1st... Again

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"Wake up, Adriana," someone said while shaking me. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see Hermione standing by my bed, already up and ready for the day. She sighed once she saw I was awake, and said, "Thank God. You know, you and Ginny are literally impossible to wake up. I was about two seconds from pouring water on the both of you. Now, get up and get dressed, we've got to head to King's Cross soon."

"Alright," I said as I sat up in my bed. "I'm up."

"You get up too, Ginny," Hermione added, turning to face Ginny who still had her eyes closed and was still wrapped up in her blanket.

"Five more minutes," Ginny mumbled while further covering herself with her blanket.

"I've given you as much time as possible," Hermione replied. "If you don't get up soon, your mum is going to come up here and yell at you for not being up yet."

"Oh well," Ginny said. "Mum gets upset and yells at us every September 1st, it's nothing new."

"Have fun missing the train then!" Hermione told Ginny before she exited the room.

"Well, I don't wanna do that," Ginny said a few moments later as she opened her eyes. "I'd like to go back to Hogwarts."

"Then maybe you should get up and finish packing your stuff," I said as I got out of bed and headed to my trunk, crouching down to open it and take out some clothes for the day.

As I stood back up and started changing out of my pajamas, Ginny asked, "Can't you just use some magic and pack it up for me?"

"I can," I started as I put on my chosen clothes for the day, "but will I?"

"Will you please pack my trunk up with magic?"

"Hmm," I said, pretending to be deep in thought for a second. "No."

"Oh, come on," Ginny said. "It won't even take that long!"

"It also won't take long for you to just shove all your stuff into your trunk, like I did," I told her. "If you really want someone to pack your trunk up with magic, just ask one of the twins."

"I don't trust Fred or George to do that," Ginny said, reluctantly getting up from her bed to sit down in front of her trunk. "They'd probably levitate all my shit so I can't reach it."

"Yeah, that sounds like the twins," I said. "Anyways, have fun packing up the rest of your trunk! I'm going to go get some breakfast now." And with that, I exited the bedroom and headed downstairs and into the kitchen. I quickly ate some eggs and toast while making small talk with Remus, who was already sitting at the kitchen table.

Once I finished my breakfast and headed back out of the kitchen, I noticed that the rest of Grimmauld Place had descended into chaos. The portrait of Sirius's mother that was in the house was howling with rage, and it seemed as though no one was bothering to close the curtains that hung around the frame.

Mrs. Weasley was also yelling, and just as I was wondering what for, I saw two trunks flying down the stairs. I gasped and could only watch as the trunks hurtled straight into Ginny, knocking her down the stairs and onto the floor.

I quickly ran over to her, crouching down while I said, "Ginny! Are you alright?!" She was face down, so I couldn't tell what expression she wore, but I could tell that she was shaking. "Ginny?" I said again, this time gently placing my hands on her and flipping her over slightly. She followed my lead and flipped herself onto her back, and I could now see that the shaking was not from her crying, but was instead from her laughing. I sighed in relief, sitting down on the floor as I said, "Oh my God, Ginny. That fucking scared me. I thought you got injured or died or something."

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