52 - The Prefects' Bathroom

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"What's the password for the prefects' bathroom?" I asked both Cedric and Katherine at breakfast the morning after Christmas.

"Why do you want to know?" Cedric questioned. "What, do you want to treat your boyfriend to a little bath date?"

"I don't have a boyfriend," I replied, confused. "I just want to use the prefects' bathroom to test something out."

"Y'know, that's a really weird way to say your gonna fuck George," Naomi piped up.

"What- no-" I started, my eyes wide as all confusion disappeared. "No, George isn't my boyfriend, nor am I going to use the prefects' bathroom for that purpose."

"Are you sure about that?" Naomi questioned. "Because, according to Cedric, you two were canoodling on the dance floor last night."

"We were not canoodling!" I exclaimed, earning some stares from the other Hufflepuff students nearby. I quieted down as I said, "We did nothing of that sort. We just danced."

"Alright," Cedric said. "But, I'm just saying, it really did look like you two were doing something more than dancing. I mean, why did you just freeze in the middle of the dance floor with your face as red as your boyfriend's hair?"

"That was nothing," I said, waving Cedric off. "And, George isn't my boyfriend. Now, what's the password?"

"It's 'pine fresh'," Katherine quickly answered with a smile. "Have fun."

I narrowed my eyes at her as I stood up from the table and headed over to the Gryffindor table, where I saw George, Fred, and Lee sit down not too long ago.

"Morning," I told the three of them, before I pulled George out of his seat. "If you don't mind, I've got something to talk to George about." I didn't wait to see what Fred and Lee had to say, and just walked out of the Great Hall, George walking along behind me, his arm still in my grasp.

"What am I being pulled through the halls for?" George eventually asked.

"I'm showing you where the prefects' bathroom is," I replied.

"And why are you doing that?"

"You remember what Professor Moody told me last night." I paused my walking to turn around and look at him. "Right?"

"Yeah," George nodded. "He told you to put it underwater, didn't he?"

"Yep," I said. "Which is what I'm going to do. And, I'm taking you with me, since you were there when Professor Moody told me that. So, we will see what happens." I turned back around and continued walking, still leading George. "I did some thinking as I fell asleep last night, and thought that the screeching that comes from the egg might be some sort of magical language we can't understand under normal circumstances, and putting it underwater will allow us to hear it properly. It seems logical, right?"

"To be honest, I think lots of things can be logical in the wizarding world," George responded. "We've got magic at our disposal."

I nodded, and continued through the halls until I reached the correct door on the fifth floor. "Pine fresh," I said to it out loud.

"What?" George asked, confused, until the door in front of us creaked open. His puzzled look melted into awe when he saw the swimming pool-sized tub sunk into the floor of the room, as well as the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. "Is this the prefects' bathroom?"

"Mhmm," I hummed. "Cedric and Katherine told Naomi and I about it when they became prefects last year, and invited us to have a small pool party here. Well, we've actually had multiple small pool parties, but, anyways, I figured I could use it to test the whole underwater egg thing, and, if it goes bad, I have a fun, pool-sized bubble bath that could cheer me up. And you. You could cheer me up too."

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