41 - Entering

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George had changed out of the clothes he slept in, and into something more appropriate for casual, daytime wear, but I stayed in the sweatpants and shirt he had given me last night. I did not feel like putting my school uniform back on, since it was a Saturday, and I wouldn't have to wear it until the Halloween feast later tonight, so I threw my bra on and stayed in my pajamas.

"I plan on heading back to my dorm first," I told George as we made our way out of his dorm and down the tower stairs. "I would like to drop off my stuff." I slightly held up my uniform from yesterday. "I also want to put on something that isn't so obviously what I slept in."

"Makes sense," George nodded. "I'll accompany you to the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room before I head downstairs for breakfast. I'll try to delay Fred and Lee from entering until you're down there to witness it."

"Sounds like a plan."

"You didn't return back last night," Naomi stated as she slid onto the bench next to me, Katherine and Cedric sitting across from us. "I doubt brewing an Aging Potion took all night, so what kept you with the Gryffindors?" She wiggled her eyebrows with a teasing smile once she finished speaking.

"We didn't have a foursome, if that's what you're insinuating," I said with a roll of my eyes. "I just brewed the potion and by the time it was done, it was twelve and I was too tired to sneak back to our dorm, so I stayed the night."

"But who's bed did you sleep in?" Cedric joined in on the teasing. "Did you kick someone off of their bed and make them sleep on the floor while you slept in the bed? That sounds like something you would do."

"No, actually," I told him. "I first asked if I could spend the night and just sleep on the floor, but George was very adamant on the fact that I would be sleeping in a bed, so I just slept with him." My three friends widened their eyes at my words. "Not like that! That was just a poor choice of wording!"

"Are you sure?" Naomi asked with a large and amused grin. "You said you didn't have a foursome, but there was nothing mentioned about not fucking George."

"I didn't hook up with George!" I quietly exclaimed. "Nor did I hook up with Lee or Fred. No one hooked up with anyone last night. Well, George, Fred, Lee, and I didn't fuck anyone last night."

"Mhmm," Naomi hummed. "I'm not one hundred percent sure I believe you, but keep telling us your story."

"There's not much left to tell." I rolled my eyes again. "I spent the night in George's dorm and slept in his bed with him, and that's it."

"Alright..." Naomi trailed off while grabbing some breakfast to eat. "If you say so."

"Anyways," I changed the subject. "Do you have your parchment to put in the goblet?" I asked Cedric.

"I sure do," he answered, pulling said parchment out of his pocket. "When are we entering? After we finish eating?"

"Yep," I answered. "And probably after George, Fred, and Lee enter. I'm excited to see how that turns out."

"So they actually think that Aging Potion is going to get them past the Age Line?" Katherine questioned. "Do you think it's going to work?"

"Hell no," I responded with a laugh. "I want to see if they'll get flung back or something. It'll be fun to watch."

"That it will be," Naomi said before my attention was drawn to someone frantically waving. I looked away from my friends and over to the Gryffindor table to see George waving his arms everywhere. Once he saw that he had my attention, he pointed out of the Great Hall and to where the Goblet of Fire was placed. I nodded my head and gave him a thumbs up before he, Fred, and Lee hopped up from their seats and exited the Hall.

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