81 - The Meeting

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"Why, hello there, love," George said, coming up next to me and tossing his arm over my shoulders.

"Hi, darling," I said back, standing up on my toes to place a kiss on his cheek.

"Love," he started, slinking down some like he was melting, "you can't just say and do stuff like that out in public."

"Do what?" I asked with a smile. "I only greeted you."

"Yes, but you used the word 'darling'," he pointed out. "You know what you do to me when you use pet names. Plus, the whole kissing my cheek thing only made it worse. It just makes me wanna pull you into one of those handy broom closets and keep you to myself for eternity."

"And why don't you?" I said with a smirk, ignoring the gagging coming from Naomi. "I wouldn't mind."

"You see, my love," George said, "I don't have enough time. I was seeking you out just now because one, you're my girlfriend and I like you, and two, I've got something to tell you. After that, I've got Quidditch practice to attend. Now, all of you, follow me." He then led me through the crowds of people in the corridor, gesturing my friends along as he took us to an empty hallway.

"So, what is it you have to tell me?" I questioned. "Or all of us?"

"Well," George said, "I was hoping you all have some free time in your schedules on the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend to meet up in the Hog's Head."

"The Hog's Head?" Naomi repeated. "Why would we wanna meet up in that dingy pub? Why not the Three Broomsticks?"

"Because, the Three Broomsticks is way too crowded," George replied. "There'd be way too many people who could easily eavesdrop on the meeting in there."

"The meeting?" I said. "What meeting?"

"The meeting," George answered vaguely. "The meeting about Defense Against the Dark Arts. We're gonna be getting a new teacher. Well, Umbitch is still gonna be our 'actual' professor, but we will be getting some secret lessons from you-know-who."

"Voldemort's gonna be teaching us Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Cedric said, just as confused as Naomi, Katherine, and I.

"Of course not!" George said. "The other you-know-who! Harry!"

"Since when was Harry a professor here?" Katherine asked.

"No, Harry isn't a professor," George corrected. "He's gonna hopefully be giving some students secret Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons, so we can actually learn to defend ourselves against threats. We're meeting in the Hog's Head on the Hogsmeade weekend for what is hopefully the start of these lessons."

"At what time?" I asked.

"Hermione said around eleven," George replied. "I don't think it'd be a big deal if we got there a bit late, though."

"Noted," I nodded. "You better get going to your Quidditch practice now. See you later, love." I ended my sentence with a small wink aimed at George, and removed myself from his side before I walked away.

"I'm here to steal my love away," George announced to my friends, sidling up next to me on the bench like he always does. "I hope you all weren't planning to spend the day with her."

"We were counting down the minutes till you came to claim her," Katherine said, amused.

"Besides," Naomi started, "we're all planning to go our separate ways later today, after the you-know-what."

My Love ✧ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now