70 - Doxies

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I was drifting in and out of sleep when I heard the bedroom door creak open. I then heard footsteps as the door closed, and soon felt the bed dip down behind me before arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back against someone's front.

The person placed a light kiss on my shoulder before saying, "Good morning, love. It's time to wake up."

I kept my eyes closed as I yawned and stretched, rolling over to snuggle into the person cuddling me.

"Ada," the person said with a small chuckle, tightening their arms around me, "I've let you sleep in for as long as possible, but Mum wants everyone up and out of bed to help clean the house."

"Why do I have to clean?" I quietly asked through a yawn, reluctantly opening my eyes to see George laying in front of me. "I'm a guest."

"I'm a guest here too," George replied. "But, this house has been empty with no one cleaning it for over twelve years, so Mum has taken on the task of making it liveable, which means we have to help her. Now, are you gonna get out of bed and get dressed yourself, or am I gonna have to do that for you?"

"I can do it myself," I told him while rolling onto my back and stretching the sleep away. "But, I wouldn't mind you doing it for me."

"Alright," he smiled, propping himself up on his elbow to kiss my forehead before getting up from the bed. He then walked to the foot of the bed, where my trunk was sitting, and crouched down to open it. "What d'you wanna wear today?" he asked as he looked through my trunk. "I'd advise something that you don't mind getting dirty."

"Just get me a pair of jeans and a junk t-shirt," I answered while sitting up, reaching over to my bedside table to grab and put on my glasses.

"What's classified as a 'junk t-shirt'?" George questioned, pulling out a pair of jeans before continuing to dig through my belongings.

"Just give me one of the shirts in there that has hair dye on it," I said.

"Hair dye?" he asked, holding up a pink t-shirt that had random splotches of color on it. "Like this?"

"Mhm," I hummed in confirmation, crawling over to sit at the end of the bed before I took the shirt from his hands and gestured for him to hand me the jeans. "Get me a bra, too."

"A bra?" George repeated, looking up at me as his eyes widened slightly and his cheeks flushed.

"Yes," I laughed. "A bra, George. I wear one basically every day."

"Right," he said, clearing his throat and continuing to look through my trunk. He soon pulled out one of my comfy, skin colored bras and held it up. "Does this work?"

"Yes, it does," I replied as I took the bra from his hand. "It shapes my boobs slightly, makes them the same size, and hides my nipples, like a bra's supposed to do, right?"

"I guess," he shrugged, closing my trunk and sitting down on the floor.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked, smiling at him as I placed my bra on top of the pile I created with my shirt and jeans. "It's not like you haven't seen me in a swimsuit before, where the swimsuit top does basically the same as a bra. Covers the same amount, as well. It's also not like you haven't seen me completely nude."

"I know," George said. "It's just that I've never actually seen a bra before, especially not my girlfriend's, and I've also obviously never touched a bra before, so... yeah... I don't know why my face flushed when you asked for your bra, but it did. I realize I tend to blush a lot in your presence."

My Love ✧ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now