21 - Christmas Dinner at the Burrow

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"Mhmm," Adriana hummed, amusement displayed all across her face.

"And how come I'm only finding out about this now? Months into our friendship?" I asked.

"You're lucky," Adriana huffed, standing up from the armchair. "My friends found out about it well into our second year at Hogwarts. I don't really use my Metamorphmagus abilities much, as you can probably tell. I sort of just forget about it sometimes."

"You forget about it?" I asked, confused. "How do you forget that you were born with very rare magical abilities?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, starting to walk towards the kitchen. "Being a Metamorphmagus is my normal, you know, so I'm used to being able to change my appearance all I want. I had fun with that when I was younger, exploring all I could do with my appearance. But, now that I've seemingly mastered it, the fun is over, for me, at least, and I just don't use it, and it goes to the back of my head. The real fun happens when I remember about my abilities and use it around people who have no idea. You, for example. I also remember it when something happens that sparks really strong emotions. My emotions can be reflected through my abilities, willingly or not."

"Your abilities can reflect your emotions?" My focus moved from Adriana to my family at the sound of Charlie's voice. "How come? And what abilities..." His question faded away when he looked at Adriana.

"Didn't you have brown hair?" Bill was the one to ask the question everyone was probably wondering.

"I might have." Adriana was teasing them just as she did me, causing me to have to bite back a smile. She continued into the kitchen and sat down at the table, in one of the empty seats to Fred's right. I followed her, and sat down to her right, sandwiching Adriana between Fred and I.

"You're joking with us, aren't you," Fred said, not even as a question. "I know you are because I've not only seen you here, but at Hogwarts as well, and you sure as hell don't have red hair like the rest of us."

"Maybe I do," Adriana replied. "Maybe the brown hair was fake all along, and I'm really one of your guys's long lost cousins or something. Somehow related to you through the circle of incest that makes up all the purebloods. No offense, by the way. It's just kind of weird, coming from a muggleborn."

"None taken," Fred shook his head. "Also, I agree."

"Is no one going to introduce me to the extra, unfamiliar redhead at our table or not?" Percy asked from farther down the table.

"Oh yeah," I said, remembering that he'd been holed up in his room all day. "Percy, this is my friend Adriana. Adriana, that is one of my brothers, Percy. You might remember him from school. Y'know, head boy and all," I quietly said that last part to her.

"I remember," Adriana said, turning to Percy. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well," Percy said, going back to talking with our dad. Before I could start up another conversation with Adriana, my mum started speaking.

"Alright everyone!" my mum said while standing up. "Merry Christmas to my family and our guest, who I hope feels like family as much as she looks like it." I heard Adriana huff a laugh, and I glanced over at her. "Now, don't let me stop you from eating any longer. Dig in!" My mother sat back down and started scooping food from the middle of the table onto her plate, the rest of us following shortly after.

We quickly dug into my mum's delicious cooking, and got absorbed into conversation after conversation, laughing and talking the whole evening.

"So, Adriana, you did say you were a muggleborn earlier, yes?" my dad asked Adriana.

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