47 - Dates

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"What's put a frown on your face?" Naomi asked as I entered our dorm.

"George," I quietly responded, setting my stuff down on my desk before flopping onto my bed.

"Now that's something I never thought I'd hear," she said, coming over to sit on the edge of my bed. "What'd he do?"

"Nothing, really," I told her. "He joined me briefly in the library and got me to take a break from trying to figure out that damn egg."

"And why has that made you sad?"

"He asked me about the Yule Ball," I simply said.

"And what's so bad about that?" Naomi questioned, confused.

"Well, he asked if I had any plans for it," I started, "and I told him what I told you before, that I didn't have a date but I basically needed one for the opening dance. I lied and told him there wasn't anyone that I was planning to go with, and he said the same thing." I frowned more as I remembered our conversation. "I said that because I didn't want to make it too obvious that I want to go with him, in case he doesn't want to go with me, and I also said that because I didn't want him to think that there's someone else I want to go with.

"Anyways, it kind of bummed me out when he too said he didn't know who he's going to go with, so I tried to ignore my emotions as he continued talking and as I tried to figure out if he was lying as well. I still don't know if he lied. Would he lie about that?"

"If you lied about it, then he definitely did as well," Naomi told me. "He was probably having the same thought process as you."

"So I'm not overthinking this?"

"I don't think you're overthinking it," she assured me. "It's perfectly reasonable to be analyzing a conversation that you had with your crush where you two talked about who you were going to bring as your dates to a ball."

"Mhmm," I hummed, briefly closing my eyes before something else popped into my head. "I mentioned you in our conversation, and he immediately perked up when he heard your name."

"He what?" Naomi asked in disbelief. "Are you sure about that?"

"Positive," I nodded. "I mentioned how you and I were the single ones in our friend group, and he sat up and asked if you had anyone you wanted to go with, and then asked if you had already been asked to be someone's date."

"Why would he ask about that?"

"I asked him that same question," I sighed. "All he said is that there was no reason he wanted to know, and then said that there was someone else who was asking about your Yule Ball date status. That's what's really getting me down. I mean, he said he doesn't want to go with you, but he sounded sort of... suspicious while talking. Maybe that was just my imagination, but I don't know..."

"I hope he doesn't want to go with me," Naomi said, a sort of disgusted look on her face. "Admittedly, gingers are not my type. That man, and any other redhead you might want, are all yours."

"I didn't know gingers were my type until I met George..." I quietly said.

"I do not fancy your man, Adriana," Naomi told me with a serious look. "He is all yours, got it?" Once I reluctantly nodded, she continued speaking. "Anyways, maybe the suspicion you detected was his nervousness. I mean, I think we all know he very clearly wears his emotions, so, maybe he was actually asking for someone else."

"Maybe..." I said, feeling a little better after talking with Naomi. "I told him I'd see him later and tell him about your date status, so we will see if he or any of his friends asks you about the Yule Ball. If he actually was asking for someone, I would assume that someone to be one of his friends."

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