84 - Another Decree

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When I woke up on Monday morning, I was, surprisingly, the only one left in the dorm. Tiredly, I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom, relieving my bladder before I headed back to my bed and got my uniform out from my trunk. I slowly got dressed, and eventually exited the dorm, making my way down the hall and into the common room.

I was met with a lot more noise than I was used to on a Monday morning, the commotion coming from everyone gathered around the notice board by the entrance. Confused, I walked over and pushed my way through everyone until I found my friends, all standing right in front of the notice board.

"What's going on?" I asked Cedric, who I was standing next to.

He didn't say anything, and just pointed to the new, and very large, sign covering the whole board. I quickly read it, discovering that Umbridge had made a new Educational Decree that disbanded all student organizations, societies, teams, and clubs.

"She must know," Katherine said quietly. "What other reason would she have for making this Decree?"

"But how would she find out?" I questioned as Naomi, Cedric, Katherine, and I weaved our way out of the crowd and out of the common room.

"Someone must've snitched," Naomi replied. "That's the only way."

"Someone also could have overheard," Cedric suggested. "We weren't alone in the Hog's Head. We have no idea who else was in there, listening."

"Or someone snitched," Naomi repeated. "I think we all know who would've done it."

"But Zacharias eventually agreed," I said. "I really don't think he blabbed. I mean, we all signed that paper, and I don't think Hermione had us do that just so we had everyone's names. She's smart, which is why I think we'd immediately know if someone who was at the meeting told Umbridge about it."

Naomi grumbled indignantly, and Katherine said, "She makes a good point."

"I know," Naomi replied. "I just wanted to blame Zacharias. He annoys me to no end."

"He annoys all of us," Cedric added. "And yet, no matter how many times I threaten to kick him off the team, I don't I ever actually will. He's a bloody good chaser."

"Wait a minute," Naomi said suddenly, "does this mean Quidditch teams are disbanded?! That Decree said 'teams' on it. Do we really have to get our Quidditch team approved by Umbridge to practice? Or else we're expelled?!"

"I didn't even think about that," Cedric replied. "Good thing you did, or Adriana would be the only one of us still here by the end of the week."

Naomi groaned as the four of us entered the Great Hall, and while she, Cedric, and Katherine headed to the Hufflepuff table to converse with the rest of the Quidditch team, I made my way over to the Gryffindor table, to where I saw George, Fred, and Lee sitting together.

"Did you guys see?" I asked as I sat down next to George, Fred and Lee across from us.

George slid his hand onto my thigh, while Fred asked, "Are you referring to that stupid new Decree?" I nodded. "Then yes. We've been trying to think of ways Umbridge found out, since there's no way this was just a coincidence."

"We thought someone might've snitched," Lee added.

"Naomi suggested that, too," I started, "but I don't think anyone did. I pointed out the fact that I think Hermione had us all sign that paper for a reason, and not just so we had everyone's names."

"You think she did something to the paper?" George questioned. "Like what? Cursed it so if anyone tells, they die?"

"Okay, I don't think she would've done something that severe," I said, slightly concerned at the direction his mind went. "But something that makes it obvious if any one of us who was at the meeting snitches."

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