77 - Detention

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At ten minutes till five, I removed George's arm from around me, reluctantly standing up from the Hufflepuff table and bidding him and my friends goodbye before I started to head out of the Great Hall.

On my way out, I noticed Harry had gotten up from the Gryffindor table and was heading out of the Hall alone as well. I stopped at the doors, waiting until he caught up to walk out next to him.

"Where are you headed?" I asked.

"To Umbridge's office," he answered. "You?"

"Me too," I replied. "I've got detention with her at five."

"Looks like you'll be joining me, then," Harry said. "I have detention with her every night this week. I had my first one yesterday."

"What'd you do to get detention every night?"

"I told lies, apparently."

"Ah," I nodded, "me too. I also cussed at her and called her stupid. That definitely wasn't the best idea, but it felt great. It was worth it. Anyways, what does she even have you do for detention? What will we be doing tonight?"

"Writing lines."

"Okay..." I trailed off. "And? What's the catch? I can tell you're leaving out some information. You might as well tell me since we're about to be going through this shit together."

"She'll make us write lines with one of her own special quills," Harry explained.

"Alright," I said. "What's so special about her quills?"

"They don't use ink," Harry said. "They use your own blood."

I stopped walking, closing my eyes for a second before I looked at Harry in disbelief. "What?"

"You heard me," he said. "Whatever you write with one of her quills will get etched into the back of your hand, and it'll use your blood as ink." He then stuck his right hand toward me, the skin on the back of it looking slightly scarred.

"Brilliant," I said once I inspected his hand. "Bloody-" I paused, smiling to myself. "Bloody brilliant. My first ever detention is with the teacher who likes to torture her students. Just great." Harry and I then continued walking in silence, soon arriving at Professor Umbridge's office. Harry knocked on the door and opened it when we heard her voice telling us to enter.

My jaw wanted to drop when I saw the state of her office. It was hideous. Everything was either pink or covered in lace. Or both. The only good thing about her decorations were the plates with moving kittens on one of the walls. They were cute.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter and Ms. LaVey," Professor Umbridge said, making my attention move from the cat plates to where she was standing behind her desk. "Please, sit." She pointed toward two small tables with chairs set up next to each other, blank pieces of paper on them. Harry and I did as she said before she continued speaking. "Now, I should hope Mr. Potter knows what he will be doing tonight, but you, Ms. LaVey, need some instructions. Tonight, you'll be writing some lines with a rather special quill of mine." She placed one black quill in front of us both. "Mr. Potter, please write 'I must not tell lies' once again. Ms. LaVey... you will write the same for tonight. Tomorrow evening, I think I shall have you write something different."

"Tomorrow evening?" I repeated.

"Oh yes," Professor Umbridge said with a satisfied smile. "You didn't think you'd get just one detention, did you? Oh no, I'm afraid not. You'll be joining Mr. Potter for detention here, at five o'clock, for the rest of the week."

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