83 - In the Dorm

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George placed his hands on both sides of my face, leaning in to kiss me fervently. I kissed back with just as much passion, but pulled back when he started to push me down onto the bed.

"No," I simply said, and pushed back so we were sitting up straight. "I'm in charge today."

"Well, alright then," George smiled, pulling back from me. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it, love. I'm perfectly happy sitting back and letting you take the reins."

"Good," I said, smiling back at him. "Now, lay down on your back."

He did as I told him to, quickly taking off his shoes and socks before scooching back so his head rested on my pillows. I stood up as he did so, taking my own footwear, plus my glasses, off. Once he was positioned and comfortable, I got on the bed, straddling him and sitting down right on his erection. He grunted, gripping my hips to keep me there as I smirked down at him. I then lifted myself up some, and placed my hands on either side of his head to lean over him.

"I like this view of you," George said, his eyes roaming over my body. "Although, I think it'd be better if you were naked."

"We can easily make that happen," I said as I leant down, dropping to my elbows to reconnect our lips.

After a minute or two of kissing, I pulled back once again, sitting up as George followed me, wanting to continue the kiss. I placed my finger on his lips to stop him, and he stared down at it before sticking his tongue out and licking my finger.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, pulling my finger away from his mouth and wiping it on his shirt.

George laughed with too much amusement. "Sorry, my love," he apologized, still chuckling. "I saw the opportunity and took it."

I glared at him, before his smile turned contagious, and I joined in on his laughter. Once our chuckles died down, I grasped at the edge of George's shirt, pulling it up slightly as I looked at him for consent. He nodded, and moved his arms to the job for me before I stopped him, and removed his shirt myself.

I tossed it to the floor, moving to remove my own shirt afterward when George stopped me. He gave me the same look I had given to him before I removed his shirt, and I nodded, letting him take my shirt off for me and toss it to the ground with his. He then moved his hands to my back, feeling for my bra clip without looking before having to peek over my shoulder.

"Never taken a bra off before, huh?" I said, smirking, since I very much knew the answer.

"I haven't and you know that," George responded as I felt his hands work to unclip my bra. Once he succeeded in his task, he leant back, pulling my bra straps off my arms before tossing my bra onto the slowly growing pile of our clothes.

He leant back on his arms, admiring my nude torso before focusing his attention at my side. I followed his gaze as he moved his hand toward my side, and watched as he pulled my wand out of my pants. He held it in his hand, inspecting it for a moment, before he pointed it at the door and silenced the room.

"It likes me," George said, placing my wand down on my nightstand. "It must know about us."

"It must," I repeated while my gaze shifted down to his wand, sticking out of his pants just as mine was. I reached forward and grabbed it, inspecting it just like he had with mine, before I pushed him to lay back down on the bed with one hand. I then grabbed both his wrists and placed them together, above his head, and pointed his wand at them. "Incarcerous." I smiled as I watched a thin rope snake around his wrists, binding them together.

George's eyes widened when he realized what I had done, lifting his arms up to inspect the rope tied around his wrists. "Well, alright," he said, placing his arms back down above his head. "If this is what you want, then I'm perfectly fine with it."

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