60 - Awaking

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There were people around me, talking in quiet voices. They sounded familiar.

"How much longer will it last?"

"There's no telling, dear. It could be a few more hours, days, it could even be a week until she wakes up."

"Fucking hell."

I heard retreating footsteps and the sound of a chair creaking.

"It's only been a day, yet it's felt like an eternity."

"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I miss her and George flirting back and forth. I much prefer being disgusted by it than just watching her lay there, motionless and unresponsive."

I felt someone take my hand in theirs, giving it a gentle squeeze and a kiss.

I wanted to open my eyes and see who was around me, but, no matter how hard I tried, my eyelids wouldn't cooperate. Instead, I used all my strength to squeeze the person's hand back.

It wasn't much, but it was still a little bit of movement, enough to make the person holding my hand suddenly move in their seat.

"What happened?"

"I... I swear I felt her hand move, like she was trying to squeeze back..." The person talking, who was also the one holding my hand, shifted in their seat. "Adriana?" They squeezed my hand again.

This time, when I attempted to squeeze, it came out as more than a small twitch of my fingers.

"Holy fucking shit, Adriana. Are you awake? Please be awake, please do anything if you're awake."

I squeezed their hand again while trying to pry my eyes open.

"Her eyes are moving! Look!"

"Madam Pomfrey!" There were footsteps rushing toward us. "She's waking up!"

I finally got my eyes to open, and I squinted as I looked at the people around me.

On my left was Katherine and Cedric, both sat up straight in their chairs, Naomi and George were sitting on my right, and Madam Pomfrey was standing at the foot of the bed I was on. They were all wearing expressions of shock and relief.

"What's going on?" I asked in a whisper, my voice scratchy from my dry throat.

"Oh my fucking God, Adriana," Katherine said, sighing as tears started forming in her eyes. "We thought you were dead."

"Why?" Confusion filled me. "I was just... asleep? When did I fall asleep? How long have I been asleep?"

"You were in a coma, Adriana," Madam Pomfrey said, coming to stand by my side and sit me up slightly, making me drink some potion which instantly cured my dry throat and gave me some energy. "You've been in one for about a day now."

"Why was I in a coma?"

"Unfortunately, that is something we are still trying to figure out," she replied. "Harry told us his side of the story, and so we've been waiting for you to wake, to see if you remember anything before you were knocked out."

"I was knocked out?"

"Yes, dear," Madam Pomfrey nodded. "It happened some time before you arrived back from inside the maze."

"Maze..." I trailed off, trying to think of what I last remembered. "I never exited the maze. I... what happened?"

"Just relax, Adriana," she told me. "There's no need to try and remember at the moment. Just spend some time with your friends while I go and let the Headmaster know that you've awoken. Whenever he comes in here to talk to you is when you'll have to try and remember what happened, alright?"

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