48 - Presents

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I was woken up on Christmas Day by a knock on the door. I reluctantly got up and walked over, since both Katherine and Naomi hadn't moved a muscle at the sound.

Once I reached the door, I opened it to see Cedric standing on the other side, still in his pajamas with three wrapped presents in his arms.

"Merry Christmas," he told me with a smile.

"Merry Christmas," I replied, yawning, before I opened the door wider and let him in. "We need to wake Naomi and Katherine."

Cedric nodded, and after he placed his gifts down in the middle of the room, went to wake up Naomi as I woke up Katherine.

Once they were up, the four of us sat down in a circle in the center of the room and placed all the presents in a pile in the middle of our circle. We then took turns opening them, deciding to go in order of oldest to youngest.

I ended up getting a new muggle book and a crocheted cardigan from Katherine, a mix of wizard and muggle candy from Naomi, a cute little teddy bear from Cedric, on which he had placed a tiny witch hat, and some new clothing items from my parents.

Once we had opened gifts and all gotten dressed, the four of us headed down to breakfast together. I had never stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw all the hallways decked out in Christmas decorations.

When we made it to the Great Hall, thoughts of the Yule Ball started popping up in my mind. I first wondered how they would decorate the Hall for it, and then my thoughts moved onto what exactly would be happening at the ball, and who I would be going with.

"What's got you all smiling and shit?" Naomi asked with a smirk, making me zone back into reality.

"Nothing," I replied quickly. "I was just thinking about the Yule Ball, that's all."

"Yeah, sure," she said, obviously not believing me as she went back to eating her breakfast. Before she could start teasing me, George came up to our spot at the Hufflepuff table.

"Merry Christmas to you all," he said with a smile. "Now, if you don't mind, I would like to steal Adriana away for a little bit. And by a little bit, I mean she will be hanging out with me until she needs to start getting ready for the Yule Ball, in which case she will be returned to you." He then gently grabbed my arm and pulled me up, giving me a little bit of time to bid my friends goodbye for the day, to which they responded with cheeky smirks and goodbyes of their own.

"Where are we headed today?" I asked George as we walked through the halls.

"To my dorm first," he answered, glancing over at me. "I've got a present to give you, as well as one from my mum."

"Wait," I said, stopping in my tracks. George stopped as well, giving me a questioning look. "I have a gift for you, too, but I forgot about it, so it's still buried in my trunk. Can we stop by my dorm to get it? You know, so we can exchange gifts at the same time?"

"Of course," he replied. We then headed in the opposite direction we were walking in, going down toward the kitchens.

Once we made it to the barrels that hid the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room, I paused.

"Is something wrong?" George eventually asked.

"No," I told him. "I'm just trying to decide if I should let you in or make you stay out here."

"Why wouldn't you let me in?" He put on a fake frown. "I let you into the Gryffindor common room, and I even let you spend the night in my dorm, so, therefore, I should be allowed into your common room."

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