31 - Death Eaters

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"There's no one like Krum." Ron interrupted Fred and I's little Irish jig to express his crush on the Bulgarian seeker. "He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind."

I looked around Ron, who had stood in between Fred and I, to make eye contact with my twin. "Dumb Krum," Fred and I started chanting, circling around Ron while flapping our arms like birds.

"He's more than an athlete," Ron continued over us. "He's an artist."

"I think you're in love, Ron," Ginny teased as she passed Ron and patted his shoulder.

"Viktor, I love you," I started singing.

"Viktor, I do," Fred continued.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you," we sang together, others in the tent joining in. I broke out in laughter as Ron scowled at us all and headed into his room. I then looked around the tent for Adriana, and found her sitting on the couch, already looking at me while laughing. I immediately headed over to her and plopped down in the empty seat to her left, sitting a lot closer than I knew I needed to be.

"I can't believe the Hufflepuff is letting us make fun of Ron," I said in mock surprise. "And, she's joining in. You're not doing a very good job at being kind or whatever it is Hufflepuffs are."

"It was funny," Adriana replied with a smile. "Might I add, the Sorting Hat did debate putting me in Slytherin."

"It did?!" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah." She lightly laughed. "I don't know why that's so surprising to you. You literally said that Slytherin would be more fitting for me, seeing how much I, and I quote, bite back."

"I said that?" I questioned, and she nodded her head. "Huh, well, I mean, I said that before I got to know you. Now I can see how much of a Hufflepuff you really are."

"Mhmm," Adriana hummed, amusement on her face for some reason. She didn't say anything else after that, and neither did I. We stared at each other, which I realized we tended to do very often. Making very intense eye contact without talking, entering a trance of a sort.

Unfortunately, this trance ended very quickly, as a loud noise from outside the tent caught everyone's attention, and my dad suddenly ran inside with a distraught look.

"Everyone outside now," he said in the most stern voice I had ever heard from him. Panic immediately filled me from his words and tone of voice.

I hopped up from the couch, pulling Adriana along with me, as Bill asked, "What's going on?"

"Death Eaters," my dad replied in a solemn voice. "Now, hurry. I want You, Charlie, and Percy to help me. The rest of you, get into the woods and stick together. I'll come and fetch you when we've sorted this out." My dad and three older brothers then whipped out their wands and ran outside, leaving the rest of us basically frozen in fear in the tent.

Fred was the first one to unfreeze and take initiative. "C'mon," he said, grabbing onto Ginny as he moved towards the entrance of the tent. This made Harry, Ron, and Hermione unfreeze to follow, and I grabbed tightly onto Adriana's hand before coming up behind everyone else.

As a group, we all exited the tent, and were immediately met with chaos. Everyone was all running to the woods at once, causing, from what I could see, people to get separated and trampled. I trailed my eyes from the people to what they were running from, which was a crowd of people. Of wizards, with hoods and masks.

The Death Eaters.

They were marching along the row of tents, with four people floating in the air above them, getting twisted around into grotesque shapes. The Death Eaters were also throwing out curses as they went, hitting whoever they could, lighting any tent they could on fire.

Fred once again took the initiative, and led everyone to join the rushing stream of people toward the forest. As we walked, I kept as tight of a grip as I could on Adriana's hand, while also trying to keep Fred in my sights.

Very quickly, the crowd of people picked up, and we all started getting pushed and pulled. My grip on Adriana's hand slowly got looser with every shove I received. I looked back at her, and I saw the struggle on her face as she tried to hold on. Our efforts turned out to be of no use, as my grip finally failed me, and she slipped out of my grasp.

"Adriana!" I yelled to her as she got sucked back and away from me by the crowd. I saw her lips move, but I couldn't hear what she said, as the screams from the people behind us drowned her out.

As much as I tried to push against the crowd to get closer to Adriana, I just kept getting pushed in the direction of the woods, while she got pushed back towards the Death Eaters. I tried to keep her in my sights the whole time, but at one point, she just disappeared. I searched over every person I could see in the crowd, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Panic took over me, and I turned around to run into the woods, searching for my brother. Luckily, he hadn't gone far in, and was still latched onto Ginny while they yelled out for everyone.

"George!" Fred yelled for me once we spotted each other, and I ran to him and scooped him and Ginny up in a hug.

"I lost Adriana," I frantically said, my voice shaking as tears started filling my eyes. "I held onto her as tight as I could, but we got separated by the crowd. She got pulled away from me and back towards the Death Eaters. I tried to keep track of where she was, and I was pushing to get back to her, but she just disappeared. I don't know where she is."

"Alright," Fred replied, squeezing me tighter as the tears escaped. "Don't worry, George. We'll find her. We can start searching here, at the edge of the woods. She could've made her way here. Once it settles down out there, we will check around the tents, yeah?"

I nodded, releasing my siblings from the hug as I wiped my cheeks off. We then walked around the entrance of the woods, yelling out for Adriana, as well as Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who were also lost in the chaos.

We searched for Merlin knows how long, and were soon forced to head farther into the woods, as loud bangs echoed from the very edge of the tree line. Around what felt to be an entire lifetime, but was actually around thirty minutes later, Fred, Ginny, and I collapsed down on the ground, tired from running and then fruitlessly searching for our friends.

We all leant up against a giant tree trunk and rested there for a few minutes to catch our breaths. I sat for about five minutes until I couldn't stand the deathly silence of the forest, and jumped back up to continue searching everywhere I could for Adriana.

Just as I was about to call her name for the hundredth time that night, something green and glittering shot up into the sky. I had no idea what it was at first, but, very quickly, a skull with a snake protruding from its mouth formed in the smoke, invoking fear in all as the woods erupted in screams. 

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