73 - Booklists

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The rest of the summer holidays were filled with cleaning, hanging out with friends, more cleaning, making out in empty rooms with George, and even more cleaning. Luckily, though, it was the last day of August, which meant we would finally be returning back to school the next day. Obviously, I wasn't too thrilled about actually having to start school, but I was very excited to see Cedric, Katherine, and Naomi again, whom I hadn't seen at all this summer.

I was currently taking a small break, just laying down on my bed while chatting with Hermione as she took a break as well, when Ginny entered the room, three envelopes in her hand.

"I've got our booklists," she said, throwing mine on the foot of my bed as she passed and handing Hermione's to her as she plopped down on Hermione's bed.

"Finally," Hermione said, opening her envelope and pulling out her letter. I sat up as she did so, grabbing my envelope so I could open it and pull out the Hogwarts letter to read over the booklist. I had just finished reading it when Hermione mumbled, "Oh my God."

I looked up and over at her to see her mouth hung open slightly, a smile spreading across her face as she placed her letter down and reached inside the envelope. She then pulled out a red and gold badge, and I smiled as well as I remembered the similar looking yellow and black badges Cedric and Katherine had received at the beginning of our fifth years.

"You're a prefect," I stated.

"I am," Hermione said, still slightly in shock.

"So, will you not give us detentions if you catch us doing something we're not supposed to?" Ginny asked as she inspected the badge in Hermione's hands. "Since we're friends?" she added with a smile.

"If I catch someone breaking the rules, I'm going to give them detention, whether they're my friend or not," Hermione replied.

"Dammit," Ginny said, sighing as she looked back down at her booklist.

I chuckled at her, and I was about to get up from my bed to go and join George and Fred in their room, when the twins apparated in with a crack. I jumped slightly, as, although I was used to them apparating all over the place, I would always get startled when they would suddenly appear in the same room I was in.

I sighed, rolling my eyes at their laziness before I looked over at George with a smile. He met my gaze, mirroring my smile as he walked over and placed his wand on my bedside table. He then flopped onto my bed, sitting up slightly so he could pull me to lay down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me, pressing me against him as I lifted my arm up to save my booklist from getting crushed.

"George," I started, "you're going to crush my booklist."

"Your booklist?" he repeated. "Where?"

"Right here," I replied, waving my arm around in the air.

"Ooo, gimme," George said as he reached up and plucked it out of my hand. He then sat up and leant against the headboard, while I sat up and wrapped my arms around one of his, laying my head on his shoulder as he looked over my booklist.

"Why do you want to read my booklist?" I asked.

"To see what books you need this year," he answered.

"They're probably all the same as the ones on your list," I said.

"Ours are slightly different, actually," George corrected. "You've got some extra books on here that I don't have. Books for classes that I'm not taking."

"What classes do you have to take to start up a joke shop?" I questioned.

"None," Fred answered with a chuckle. "We would drop out of school completely and just start our shop up if Mum would let us."

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