34 - Sleep and Boredom

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I had just finished showering, and was laying in bed, trying to rest like Mrs. Weasley told me to after she cleaned up Charlie's repair job on my wounds, but I was failing. I was insanely tired, but couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried.

I eventually gave up entirely, and instead decided to see what everyone else was doing. And by everyone else, I meant George. So, I slowly got up from my bed, exited Ginny's room, and headed over to the twin's room.

I softly knocked on their door once I arrived and patiently stood, waiting for someone to answer it. Fairly quickly, the door opened to reveal George standing on the other side of it, confusion that was once on his face quickly melting into a smile.

"Fancy seeing you here, Ada," he joked. "What brings you to my room?"

"I was bored," I answered. "I was trying to rest, like your mum told me to do, but I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to come here to get entertained. Or, maybe I'll be so bored out of my mind that I'll just fall asleep immediately. Either one works."

"Ouch." George put his hand over his heart in mock hurt. "I can't believe you just insinuated that I'm boring. That hurts, y'know."

"I know."

George narrowed his eyes at me before holding the door open wider and grandly gesturing me in. I did a little curtsy to play along, and we laughed as I entered the room.

"What's so funny?" Fred questioned from where he was sitting on his bed, his eyes darting between us as he let a notebook lay on his lap.

George closed the door before heading over to his bed and flopping on it, waving me over to join him. "Nothing you need to know about."

Fred narrowed his eyes at his brother before responding. "If you were laughing at me, get ready to sleep with one eye open."

I watched on as George rolled his eyes, flipped Fred off, and waved me over again, this time patting the bed as well. I obliged this time, and gently sat down on the edge.

"You can get closer," George said while sitting up to lean against the wall. "I don't bite."

I quietly scooted myself further onto the bed, sitting right next to George as the bed wasn't the biggest. I didn't mind the closeness, though.

George then placed a notebook, identical looking to the one Fred had, on his lap. "What's that for?" I asked.

"Product ideas," he told me. "We write basically every idea we have into one of our notebooks, and then we go through them to decide which ones get scrapped and which ones get a recipe."

"Interesting." I watched George flip through his notebook, only catching glimpses of all the product ideas he had in there.

"You might like this one," George said as he stopped on a page. "I'm not sure what to call it yet, but I had an idea about a candy that can change your hair color when you eat it." He looked over at me before continuing. "I was inspired by you and your magical abilities."

"Y'know," Fred spoke up before I could, "George was very adamant on that candy not getting scrapped. Said it would be getting produced whether I liked it or not. For what reason, I'm not exactly sure, but I like to say it's because it is based on you." Fred lowered his voice significantly before speaking again. "Merlin, he's whipped..."

"He's what?" I asked, just to make sure I heard Fred right.

Fred opened his mouth to respond, a smug smile on his face, when he was hit in the head by a pillow. "That is the second time this summer that you've thrown a pillow at me!" Fred shouted at George. "That's two times too many! Oh, what a coincidence that I was talking about-" His sentence came to an abrupt stop when he was hit in the head again, but this time by a balled up blanket.

I looked over to my right to see George sitting upright, an indescribable look on his face. Apparently, though, Fred was able to decipher what the look meant, and snapped his mouth closed, flipping George off before laying back down and burying his head back into his notebook.

"Anyways," George smiled at me, going back to leaning against the wall like nothing had happened, "shall we continue looking through this thing?" He held up the notebook. "I'm sure there are plenty of ideas to be trashed, as well as many to be formed."

"Well, there she is," I heard a woman say. "If I'd have known she was in here, I wouldn't have gone to Ginny's room first." There was a pause where I heard a huff of air. "How's she doing?"

"Good, I hope," someone close to me quietly answered. "She didn't complain about anything bothering her when she came in here. She only complained about being bored."

"Good, good," the woman responded. "Well, dinner is ready. Wake up Adriana to see if she wants any." I then heard receding footsteps before the bed under me moved a little.

"Ada." I felt my hair being brushed away from my face. "Are you awake?"

"No," I whispered while turning onto my left side, away from the person speaking.

"No?" they whisper-laughed, and I felt the vibrations from it against my back. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm trying to be, but it's hard with you asking me questions." I reluctantly opened my eyes to see that I was still in the twins' room, although I was now laying down on George's bed and covered with a blanket.

"Sorry," the person quietly apologized. I then moved onto my back, and looked to the right to see George propped up on his elbow, watching me with tired eyes. "Mum asked me to wake you in case you wanted any dinner. Which is ready, by the way."

I contemplated what he said for a moment. "Food sounds good," I eventually decided, sitting up to yawn and stretch. I looked around the room for a moment before asking, "Where'd Fred go?"

"He left to go play Quidditch with everyone else shortly after you fell asleep," George answered while sitting up as well.

"Oh." I nodded my head before confusion hit me. "I fell asleep?"

"Do you not realize you just woke up?" George chuckled.

"No, no, I do," I told him. "But I don't remember when I fell asleep."

"It happened shortly after we started going through my notebook," George explained. "You rested your head on my shoulder, and one minute you were talking with both Fred and I, and the next you stopped. When I looked to see what happened, you were passed out. Literally nothing would wake you."

"Oh." That sounds like me, passing out anywhere and everywhere when I'm tired. "What happened next?"

"Well, once I realized you were asleep, I gently moved you to lay down on the bed and covered you up with a blanket," he continued. "Shortly after that, Ron peeked into the room and asked if we wanted to play some Quidditch. Fred said yes, but I said no, since I was more worried and focused on you than on Quidditch."

"And did you fall asleep too?" I asked.

"Yeah," George replied. "It wasn't a deep sleep, but I still got a nice, several hour nap in."

I only nodded, getting up completely from the bed with George following my actions soon after.

"By the way, is anything bothering you?" he questioned as we started heading downstairs. "Like, you aren't experiencing any unnecessary pain that can be fixed by a potion, are you?"

"Nope," I answered. "Your mum gave me a pain killing potion that got rid of literally all the pain. She said it's very long lasting, so it shouldn't wear out any time soon. Although, a downside of the potion is that it makes you very, very tired, hence why I fell asleep leaning against you." I paused my short ramble for a moment to catch my breath. "It's also a common occurrence for me to fall asleep without realizing it until I wake up, so don't be confused if I ever ask when I fell asleep again in the future, because this was not the first time it has happened, and it will most definitely not be the last."

"Noted," George nodded while chuckling some as we entered the kitchen, joining the rest of the Weasleys and company at the table for dinner.

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