23. Sneaking around

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Ellious's Pov.

I traveled with Xander to the Fox tribe. I told him to whistle to let me know when he's headed back home. He's supposed to be there to evacuate the tribe if needed.
I'd be surprised if that weirdo remembered anything.. Cunning fox.
Ah Damn it all..
I sneak behind the Fox tribe a ways. If something happened Xander and the fox tribe would have 30 minutes to flee.
Looking around i find some mud in a ditch.
I rub my body in it to hide my scent. Once im happy with the result i head up to climb a tall hill so i can see what the Tower is planing.
I find a little alcove. And i nestle myself in. I look down and i see a hidden opening of a cave and many beasts guarding.
Beasts walking in and out bring in food.. When they are talking with other beasts i start sneaking around to find a opening. And my luck i find a small crevice over their cave they are hiding in.
I squeeze myself in almost getting stuck. Damn no wonder Nicolius said flying wont work.
I get in the cave. Im in a ridge at the top of the roof. It looks like there's a stream of water beside me falling from the crevice a bit further down. Its dark but i can see. I start making my way inside more staying on this ridge high up. Its really high up this was not carved it's a natural cave. I get further until the ridge stops and i see it..
About 400 Beast orc. Most are one or two stars.. The cave is huge and they set up tunnels to sleep in. They are all talking but keeping quiet. There is stone slabs with dead animals on it including beasts. I sneer at them in disgust. We aren't even ready... This is bad really bad..
All these beasts do is hunt and fight each other.. All the sudden I feel Senexxa using my strength. If feel my heart skip. I hope she's okay. I feel her panic and then sleep. Okay she must be okay. I keep waiting shes calm so she's fine. I lay down on the ridge. I stay here silently for what feels like a day..

I spot a orc walking with another. He has a black fur cloak on with a diamond shape on the back. All i see is his chin. The other beast looks like a scorpion do to his Sharp eyes and pointed ears.

"Don't worry Elder we have many recruits of beasts orc. They say they want female's as payment. What do we do?"
The scorpion speaks with a raspy voice.

"Well then send them a few female's make them despise the female's. After this is done get the orc ready to slaughter the recruits that are asking for thing's. They aren't loyal to the tower we don't need them after. Well done i must go inform the Tower now. Oh one more thing how is our information on the female?" His voice is guttural and scratchy

"He hasn't come but we believe he's sick. The female had wings now and skin of a snake. But we can't do anything until. The cold season hits. It will be their most vulnerable time. How many do you want me to send?"
The scorpion questions.

"Heh... Send all of them." The cloaked figure walks out of the cave.
My teeth clinch in anger. We can't stay in that cave.. We have to convince her to want to move. Damn it!..

I sneak out of the crevice. It's getting late.
Eh Xander Knows his way back. I sneak away back to the fox tribe and from there i head off fast back home. I dip in a creek that barely fits me cleaning off the mud. I roll in the water. I shaking myself to dry out. I begin to run back again covering my tracks.
I get home in record time..
I see vines everywhere but I don't see anyone outside. I go into the cave and i see all the male's except Xander. Heh..

"She's asleep let her be. I think a bird beast grabbed her. And she used your plant power." Zade hisses at me.

"The tower its 400 strong." I growl

"Where is Xander?" Hissing

"He will catch up." I lowly growl.

"400 we need to move at night and soon only then some of us can come back and fight them." I hear Nicolius lowly growl. I feel it in my lungs.

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