14. Aunt Flow

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I stop crying for a second my stomach is really hurting. I feel something wet go down my leg. Oh god no... Cale stops looks at me and his eyes widen. Great... Aunt flow is here determined to make me miserable. Torry and Zack sniff the air and look at me. Torry grabs a basket and gets a clump of cotton and gives it to Cale. Zack and Torry leave the hut to give me privacy.
Cale sets me down he gets a goat hide that's on the table dips it in a bowl of water that's clean and starts to clean me. I take my panties off and he puts the cotton on for me.

"Cale i need a new pair of undies these have blood on them." Cale gets close to me and sniffs me.

"You smell so good my little flower." His voice strained
"Ill go get some cloth to make you some. Stay here don't go out."

"No Cale don't go." I grab him and start to cry again.

"You will be okay my love. I wont take that long. Ill go find some cloth for you. Trust me." He kisses me hungrily i grab around his neck pulling him impossibly closer. After our short make out session. I dazedly look at Cale his lips are redder.

"Okay but come back quickly." I pout. Finally im not crying. Gosh thanks hormones.
Cale walks outside. A few minutes later Torry comes back in and sits down across from me.

"How are you feeling don't worry Zack is guarding the entrance. Since he has a female already he wont try anything. But you smell.. So good someone needs to guard you and i can't im to weak." Torry's face is red like a tomato poor guy. I hate how he puts himself down. Poor Torry

"Thank you Torry. I'm feeling better just my stomach hurts." Torry gets a bowl of boiling water and some coffee beans? He puts them in mixing it up. Oh my god COFFEE!

"Torry that's!" I point to the coffee beans.

"I know it's bitter but it will help you feel a bit better getting your blood flow with the warmth. Just try to drink it."
Torry gives me a sorry look.
Oh hell yeah ill drink it. Hell i might lick the cup.

"Where did you get these Torry can i buy them from you?" Excitedly i ask.

"Well never knew a female likes medicine so much. We have a tradesmen who comes here every rainy season and sells them to us. He comes from the Blue jay clan but lives at the Eden Rock Tribe." Torry hands me the steaming brewed coffee.
It gets quiet all the sudden i sip my coffee. It's delicious. I get warm and fuzzy from it. It calms me down. Torry hands me a few berries i gladly start eating them. Mmm black berries. I need to get some and make a jam. Torry seems smart like he knows what different plants are. I grab a piece of charcoal that's cooled.

"Do you have a goat hide or something i can make pictures on Torry?" He nods to me and hands me a hardened leather.
I draw sugar cane and sugar beets i explain the color and ask him if he knows how to get them. He looks at me dumbfounded.

"You can make very good picture's Senexxa. I'm very impressed. Yes I know of these sweet roots. You can find them just north of our tribe they both grow there off the mountain." Torry points in the direction. Oh my God! I love this place! Sugar here i come!

It's been a bit since Cale came back im getting more worried about him. My period slowed way down which isn't normal. Im thinking it's because im more stressed.
Me and Torry have been talking about plant's and locations. I drew a crude map of the land. I sort of have a relative idea where things are. Even the tribe's he knows about.

Torry gets a huge boar handed to him by Zack.
It's getting late.

"Zack can you fly up and find Cale? Im so worried about him." I plead

"Okay." Zack head's out

5 hour's!! It has been 5 hours im now pacing back and forth Torry is starting to cook some meat. And i cant stop rubbing my fingers.
Cale and Zack come in. I run and jump onto Cale.

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