12. Oil and Water

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After we clean up from eating. I look at Cale expectantly. He smirks and i hear cracking sounds. Standing there is a beautiful Peacock he's big his head comes up to mine at my 5'2 height. Im guessing all beast men are tall. Cale's head has a crown of feathers. He's lean with vibrant blues and greens. His tail feathers are huge taller than me. The eye's on his tail are gold and some purple. I pet his back. His feathers feel like silk. His feet and beak is black. His eyes are his original Gold color. Absolutely breathtaking. Cale sits low and caws to me. I look over at Ellious. Ellious walks over picks me up and places me on Cale's back. Oh my god i get to ride Cale!

"You need to hold on tight Senexxa. Cale's going to fly you around." Ellious tells me then pecks my lips.

"Oh my god im so excited! This is my first time flying like this in the open usually it's on plane's!" I giggle

Zade looks confused. Oh that's right i didn't tell him yet. I'll tell him when we get back.
Ellious is confused too.
Cale starts to jump and flap his wings. We gain elevation quickly. My arms are wrapped tightly around him. I see the cave getting smaller. Cale flys me above the tree's i see all kinds of beautiful places. Some waterfalls, the river, mountains with snow, the lake, and the grass lands way in the distance. Cale's extremely fast.
His wings shine in the sun. Cale's so amazing i never would have dreamed doing something like this. We go further into the forest and I spot a herd of deer. He flies down to catch one but, the deer run off from a huge Panther Beast. I sharply inhale. I hear a huge cat growl. It lunges twords us.

"Ahh Cale!!"
I shriek lowering my head into Cale's feathers. Cale just kicks the panther back. The panther slams into a tree that cracks and falls split wood flies everywhere. The Panther gets up and shakes himself from the split wood chips all over him growling at us. His yellow eyes keeping contact like we are the prey.
Cale gives a caw back. The panther looks my direction. I grip Cale even tighter. Cale jumps up and starts to fly away.
The growl of a cat can be heard behind us. I keep holding onto Cale tightly. We land at camp and Ellious pulls me down off Cale's back. I grip tightly onto Ellious still a bit scared. Cale caws to Zade and Ellious. They look at me and Ellious squeezes me in a tight embrace Zade comes over and rubs my head. Cale moves over to me and rubs his face on my cheek. I giggle. My beautiful Birdy Husband. Cale backs up jumps and flies off giving a caw.

"Where's Cale going?" I ask my two husbands.

"Cale's going to beat up the Panther. Did he hurt you?" Zade asks inspecting me.

"No the panther jumped at us but Cale kicked him into a tree. I thought we were going to be ripped to shreds." It shook me up real bad. Now i understand how dangerous it is out here.

"Dont worry as long as your with any of us we will protect you with our live's. Zade tells me. That's reassuring.

I sat down outside. Im sitting on my moss rock again. Zade brings me the cotton i asked for and Ellious brings me a bowl of water. I start cleaning the cotton pulling the seeds out first then washing it laying the clean cotton on banana leaves to dry.  I started tell them about where im from what was there and about my menstrual. I explained different thing's like car's to them. Zade was shocked like Ellious and Cale when i told them. 
After all being said the cotton was done. Cale flew down to us i heard the cracking of him getting out of his beast form.

"Are you okay Senexxa?" Cale kissed the top of my head.

"Im okay are you?" I look him up and down for any bruises or scratches. I see on claw mark on his back and i panic it looks bad. I grab for the pouch and he stops me.

"It will heal soon don't worry flower." He gives a grin

I grab some of the honey and some deer fat and some vines.
I cook the deer fat until it lets its natural oils out. I let it cool. I pull Cale down to sit infront of me. I get my mortar and pestle and break down the vine until its just flat fibers. I mix the oil and honey and i put it on his wound and put the fiber on top of the wound. I've learned this was how ancient Egyptians dressed wounds. The honey works as a healing agent also to kill bacteria. The oil stops bacteria from growing and the fibers helps drain the wound to help it heal. I've used this method once when me and my dad were hiking i was 8 years old and slid down a sloped cliff i hurt my leg and all my dad had was stuff to cook a nice lunch at our camp site. So he did the same thing. It was a bit gross feeling but it worked pretty well. I kiss Cales cheek.

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