Author Note

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  Okay, so sorry I haven't been writing. I plan to soon. Hopefully, there will be no more issues. So my son got into candy. He went into a diabetic coma for a while they did flush his system, and he's back to normal, but it's been real hard. I had to throw out so much food because I was too scared and had to lock my kitchen cupboards and fridge. He's severe autistic mentally, 3 so. I am having trouble explaining his diabetes to him. It's been really rough on him. That's why I've been gone they had to fly him out, but now we are back home. He's going through puberty, so his type 1 diabetes is showing as if he's a brittle diabetic. I guess my nephew left a bunch of candy over at my house, so that's how he got it. So now that he's good, I am starting to feel more comfortable writing again. I need to reread my story to know where I left off lmao... yeah, that's pretty much how my holidays went. I hope all of you are staying warm. I live in CA, and our river flooded 36 feet.. it's been horrible storms here. So, sending all my readers good vibes and prayers that you're all safe and for your families. Hope you all had good holidays and just over all in great health.
Also, I know in winter a lot suffer from depression, so I wanted to let you all know that you're not alone and that you're amazing and beautiful, and I love you all.  ♥️  I will be back just gonna spend some time rereading my own story lol 😆 cause I thought I wrote everything but totally neglected a few notes on where I left off ekk. But I assure you I will be writing soon. Anyways love you all! Have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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