26. Dragon Cave

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After a tasty fish breakfast
We got our morning routine. I start making skirts for my husbands so i can clean the ones they have on. That took me a hour thanks to Zade poking holes for me to sew them it would have been four hour's. I force the guys to bathe. And we wash all the laundry hanging it on branches to dry. It's been two days since they washed and with them working and sweating. Ug.. Yuck.

After the guys start doing shingles. They end up building three more kilns to fire the clay. I was wondering why there was three grates made.
There's nothing anyone can do until the shingles are done.
Because i heard how bad the snow is during cold season i told them i want a sloped roof so the snow can just slide off.

Nicolius comes over to me while im setting out fruit to dry.

"Senexxa lets go i need to get my thing's and i want you to go with me."

"Hmm that sounds fun but i get to bring a vine to tie myself on you." I tell him. Thinking of last time i might have hung to him to much.
"Okay ill go with you."

"Cale knows he will tell the other's." He tells me.
So i nod. He changes form away from our builds a bit. I clumsily climb up his tail. Holding onto his spikes to not fall. Damn dude i need to build a ladder..
I get onto his back and tie what looks like a loop from his spike.
I loop it around me.

"Im on!" I pat him

"Okay." He growls
Hehe i know his beast language.
Im still proud of that.
Nicolius jumps into the air and we are off. This time im looking at thing's.
I see the land. Our new home has a huge forest. I see a lake that the river feeds into. I spot the gorge and a few mountain's.
Oh, and the lava pools.. That's crazy the lava looks blue like it's super heated.
I see a few fields near our area with cows!! Oh now i know where to get cow's for my farm.
A bit aways i see a tribe. It might be the Tribe Ally came from.
After a while of flying Nicolius stops and i get down.
We are near a huge town.
Its colder here i think we are headed north.
Nicolius forms back to his orc.
I hurry and hug him.
Keep me warm hubby.

"It's cold here." He nods and hugs me.

"That's why we stopped ill get you some fur. But once we get to my cave ill make you clothes that will keep you warm." Okay im up for anything warm right now. I hug him tightly he has picked me up. The ground has clumps of snow all around. I feel people looking at me so i snuggle more into my husband.
I look over his shoulder. People are giving Nicolius a very wide berth. Heh..
We go to a stall and there is all types of furs.
Nicolius grabs a few fluffy one's and pays. He wraps them around me. Much better.
We start to head out of town but there seems to be a bunch of orc beasts blocking our way.. Great...

"You! Let go of the female or i warn you!" A black haired man yells at us. I sigh...

"You think this town can demand anything from me?" Nicolius asks.

"Release the female feral." They get low to the ground with claws out releasing a heavy pressure.

"He's my..." Well i tried before hubbys bad temper decided to rear its head.
Nicolius gives a earth shattering roar. His wings come out and people start screaming.
Almost immediately they realize he's a dragon whom they really pissed off.. I pat Nicolius's shoulder.

"Let's go, don't fight stupid people." I say.
He holds me tight and we fly off. Well no more towns for Nicolius... He doesn't do good with people.
This is way better. Being held while flying much better than holding on for dear life hoping i don't piss myself on my hubbys back... That would be nasty...

After about I'd say two hours i see a huge mouth of a cave on a snowy mountain. Don't tell me.. I see giant rocks spiking up.
We fly in and he spins to miss rocks inside.
I scream my damn head off.
We finally land i run out of his arms almost puking. I hold my self up leaning on a rock.

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