31. New Tribe

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Im enjoying the flight so much. We see the tribe right beside the mountain i point and ask if we can go there.
So we land at the outside of the tribe to not scare anybody.
Suvious puts his wings away.

"Let's go look at the market!" I grab his hand and start running to the stalls.

"Heh.. Don't run to fast Senexxa."

"Who are you? Are you new here female?" A pretty red haired man asks me.

"Um in new but" i start to say.

"How can they let someone like you here?" I hear a woman screech behind the red haired guy. Oh great... Hurk oh god she stinks.. She has brown hair that is one big rat's nest stuck together probably by piss. Her nose is hooked, squinty eyes, her eye's are green with brown. Her jaw is saggy and her face is oval shaped. Her body looks like a twig if you put saggy breasts on it. Her belly is a bit flabby but i think that's because of having kids which is understandable. She could be very pretty if she tried, id say her personality needs more work.
I hug Suvious's arm.

"Um.. I never did anything to you, why would you even say that, you don't know anything about me." I tell this stuck up woman.

"You just want to go around stealing other people's males! I know your kind! Ugly Bitch!" She yells..
And Suvious roars loudly stopping people.

"You're the one to talk about ugly look at how stuck up you sound. i pity your male's for getting stuck with a female like you... What a horrible existence that would be.." I say.
She hauls off to hit me so i slap her hard. She steps back from me crying

"You fucking bitch you hit me!" She screeches

"Should i stand around and let you hit me first? Hah.. You keep speaking to me like that i wouldn't mind slapping your mouth so hard you'll spit teeth out. Let this be a lesson to you, watch what you say!"
Her male's charge up letting out their pressure growling.

"Kill that bitch! kill her for me!" The bitch screams.. Ug i don't have time for this bull shit..

And this is the moment i found out Suvious's line you shouldn't cross...
His wings jut out he rears them back and stabs one of her male's in both shoulders and knocks him into the female and her male's while Roaring thunderously.

"You touch my female and you die!" Suvious sneers.
They look to be shaking.
The male that's stuck on Suvious's wing's is screaming.
Oh hmm.. I never noticed his wings have spikes at the end of them..

"Hey Ronda why don't you leave her alone. She was just walking here and i talked to her." The red haired guy says.

"Your mine Owen!" She screeches more..uh my poor ears.

I cover my ears.. Im going to have my husband make me ear muffs..

"Eh.. Keep screeching dragons love eating screaming prey.." I say to Ronda
She about pissed herself haha
She runs off with her male's leaving her hurt one behind.
I shake my head at him feeling sorry for him.

"Sorry welcome to the Fang Tribe." Owen says to me.


"Let's go Senexxa." Suvious picks me up and takes me to the stalls. I see some wool, clay pottery, and quartz all kinds of blue and green and clear. Also big quartz stone bowls a few flowers carved out of quartz. Wow. I buy a few bowls of quartz and some flowers.
I also buy more wool. And some furs. I buy some persimmons. I buy some berries and salt. Then i spot it. Metal ore. I see iron and tin some coal i buy them like my life depends on it.

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