8. cotton

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After we ate food and sat for a while the sun was above us i found that my two handsome pursuers were talking about moving after I have my "heat" my period. I've kind of tuned them out talking about it because for one it is awkward and for two it's not something I want to share with my two soon to be husbands. But I do need to find things to use for aunt flow.

"Ellious, Zade do you both know about cotton or something I can use for my um.. Heat?"

"Yeah I know where to find cotton. It's by the sheep Tribe do you want to go?" Ellious asks me.

"I can carry her. You can be in beast form to protect her." Zade speaks up.

"That sounds fun. I get to see a Tribe? I can't wait. I need a lot of cotton. Does the sheep tribe do trade? How can we buy thing's?" Im kind of curious on how they do things around here.

"Trading is easy, you can use the crystals I gave you to buy things. Since they are more rare in herbivore tribes they are worth more there. But places that have stronger males the crystals loose value cause they can acquire the white ones pretty easily." Zade gave me quite the info.

"I have a pouch of crystals to give you too Senexxa." Ellious darted into the cave and comes back over to me.
With a small pouch that he hands to me. I open it and pour them into my lap.
A total of 16 crystals in the bag.
There is 12 white crystals, 2 red, 1 green, and 1 gold. My eyes open wide didnt Ellious say Gold crystals are really rare?

"I cant accept both of your guy's crystals you had to have worked so hard for these with your lives on the line. I'd feel bad taking them. Thank you though. Im deeply touched." Sigh... They are so nice to me I came here with nothing and yet they both want to provide for me and have so far.

"No!" Zade and Ellious say together. They look at each other weirdly.

"Pfff... Hahaha" I cackle out. I cant help it for some reason they both crack me up. They are both so different but yet think alike.

"No my dear we gave them to you because male's rarely need them." Ellious bends down on one knee infront of me.

"The bear is right Senexxa. The females usually run the family. So these are yours to have. I cant speak for the dumb bear but it makes me happy you care how much time it took us to get the crystals." Zade gives me a shit eating grin and I hear a guttural growl.

"Yeah the garden snake is right. I'm just happy you care for me."
Ellious smirks.

"Okay but if you need the crystals you have to promise me you will say something. Don't think I'm going to take them all for myself im just holding onto them for you." They both give a nod and stand up. Oh my moss rock ill be back don't worry you wait here for me. Ill just be getting carried by my hotties over here. My mischievous and perverted side is growing thanks to Ellious and Zade. I run over and jump in Zade's arms. He wasn't ready for me but he did catch me. Maybe I'm a flying squirrel in this world if that can even happen. I put my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. His hand reaches my ass to hold me up on him. Yep get used to this giggling to myself. I see my giant red Panda leading the way. Damn he's fast. Zade and me are trailing behind him. Every once in a while we stop to pick some things up. Zade is carrying a sack with his tail. That's convenient if you ask me.

"Zade where were you living before we met?"

"In a cave its a little further from those passion flowers. It was just one of my dens that I go to. I mostly travel on the outskirts of the tribe's. It wasn't anything much."
He points the direction of his cave to me.

"Will we be able to go into the sheep tribe since you and Ellious are ferals?"

"We might be able to. I've never tried. Don't worry we're here nothing will happen to you." Zade reassures me with a kiss on my forehead.

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