22. Xander's Adventure

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Xander's pov.

Hm this look like a perfect rock. I throw it up and catch it. Yep that will do. It's as big as my hand.
I start whistling walking into the Fox tribe ah... It's like i never left. I grin at the guard Jace.. who is posted at the entrance. I look around the wall. Same wall. I walk up to the guard.

"Hey your not allowed back here Xander!" He yells out at me.
I walk up to him with my hands behind my back. I nod to him lean in and smell around him. He smells himself too. I give him a look of disgust. And pop him in the head with my rock.
I walk into the town. Ha... Like old time's. I go to my fathers cave. Yep.. It hasn't changed. I walk over and head in. I see my younger brother he runs to me.

"Xander! You're back!" He looks at me weirdly. "Uh your female didn't kick you out did she?"

"Ha! Why would she our love is pure." I tell him shaking my head.

"Father says you'd be lucky to keep a mate." He tells me

"What nonsense is that? Don't listen to what father says besides he had to practically beg mother to keep him." Heh and ill add my last bit.
"He hugged her after bathing in a tar pit so she had to keep him."

"Wow really i didn't know that!"

"See i told you father is just jealous." I hand him the rock. "Here go play."

He runs off to play with the rock.. Ah cubs... Can't wait...

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Ah my father.. He misses me already i see.

"Father im back!" I hug him tightly.

"Let me go you.. You.. Underachiever." He pushes me away.

"Ah yes im glad to be back thank you father." I sit down and start eating some orange root. Mm.. I look at the orange root, they are more sweet this time. Hmm ill have to bring my lovely mate some.

"The female didn't kick you out did she?" Aw he cares.. I wipe my nonexistent tears.

"Don't worry father she's madly in love with me." I reassure him.

"Sure.. Keep telling yourself that.. Maybe she will start believing it too.." He states

"Well no worries father.." I start to say before i was so rudely interrupted.

"You! You're banished from the tribe!" Ah its Jace my old pal.

"Hi Jace what brings you here?" I smirk.

"You son of a bi..." I hit his face with a stone cup.

"Ah ah.. How could you call my mother a fat ugly bitch who sucks men off for food... Im appalled by you."
I look over his shoulder..
"Oh hi mother."

She beats Jace with a stick using fathers beast mark. I grab a red fruit off the table throw in up in the air catch it and take a bite.

"You know he didn't say that Xander!" Hmm i really recall him saying that...

"No i swear he said that." I tell him.
I sit down on a rock inside and put my foot up on the stone slab. Ha... I grin.

"So my mate is doing good she's having a clutch soon fox cubs she said so.." I tell my father.

"Oh my little cub!" My mother hugs me. I grin at my father.
"I've missed you why haven't you came by?"

"Oh father told the guards im banished something or another.. You know how it is mother. I really tried im so sorry.." I hug my mother.

"Ace how could you banish our baby cub? You fix this now!"
She yells ah i love my mother she's so sweet.

"But the tribe all begged me... I can't.." He explains

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