13. Found

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I wake up. Sore groggy and my head is pounding. I squint my eyes looking around. I see im in a fur bed in what looks like a clay hut of some kind. There's spices hanging from the ceiling on a wood log that goes across the whole room. I look down and im covered by a orange tiger fur. To my right is the wall and to my left is a little table with all sorts of fruits, spices, and veggies in baskets and on the table there's bowls made from wood and cups. I see a clay pot over a fire boiling something. The fire area is on the side by the clay wall surrounded by round stone rocks. There's a few furs on the ground too. It looks cozy. I caught and sit up. Im naked under this fur. Great.. I pull the tiger fur around me.
I hear some shuffling beside me.

"Your awake. Are you okay Female?" He asks with a soft spoken voice. I look over and i see a man that's very muscular broad shoulders his hair is black and curly up to his chin. He has crystal blue eyes. And his mark is on his chest i don't see stars at all. His eyes are big giving him a innocent look. His eyebrows are sharp that curve down at the ends. His nose is slender and straight and his lips are thin he has a heart shaped face his skin is olive tan. He looks to be 18. He's tall too about 6 ft.

"Im sore." I wheeze out the words. He hands me a drink it smells sweet. I take a sip. Oh that's honey and something else tastes like tea.
I see my clothes my hair ornament, sandals, sash and pouch sitting there dry. They don't look ripped thank heavens.

"You were found a day ago. By our tribes hunting party. I was worried you wouldn't live so i used one of your white crystals on you. You were in pretty bad shape." He tells me.

"Thank you.." I croak out.

"The flood was bad north of us. I see you have feral mate's were you running from them?" He asks me curiously.

"No they are my chosen mate's. I love them. Did anyone see a black snake beast around?" I give a hopeful look to him.

"No there wasn't I'll let the tribe's chief know. For now just rest." He smiles nicely to me.
Zade I hope you're safe. I touch all three of my marks on my chest letting them know im here. They glow brightly. I hope they are all okay.

Ellious's pov

I'm sitting in the cave sewing a few outfits for Senexxa. I had just went hunting and stretched new furs on the wood rack to dry 7 rabbits. Well I hope Senexxa likes to eat rabbit. If not ill eat it. I look over at Cale he looks bored.
I hear rain all the sudden outside. Its loud and hard the wind starts to pick up. Senexxa's out in this. I put the fur down and the bone needle i look at Cale.
We start to get up and a loud booming sound hits our ears.
I run outside and i cant see anything.


"Im on it ill check it out." Cale shifts to his beast form. He flies up and heads twords the sound. He doesn't come back. This isn't good.. I shift to my beast and start darting twords where the sound was as fast as i can. I get over a hill and i see it. Rushing water. Its very deep and swiftly flowing. I see Cale flying over cawing. My bestial side kicks in and I jump on logs floating in the rushing water. I jump from log to log growling.
Cale dives down a ways from me and we spot Zade swimming and diving into the water. We end up searching all night. Exhausted, hungry, wet we push on searching everywhere. Cale keeps cawing in a crazed panic flying above.
All we know is she's dying we can feel it.

Senexxa's pov

I get more rest my headache finally goes away. I wake up at noon. I touch my marks again they glow. I make sure im alone and i get up and get dressed in my outfit.
I walk to a hanging fur that's infront of the door. I walk out of the hut and look around.
I see a lot of beast men staring some curious, some shy, blushing, proud, and lustful looks. I look around this place is surrounded by forest but, this is a different forest. The trees look like pine trees. There is some clay huts and a bunch of cave openings. We are up in the mountains. There's some grass and bushes here and there. Its colder here too. I grab myself to warm up. A man approaches me he's handsome and tall his hair is black too short and curly.

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