19. Traitor

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Cale and Asriel take me to a open field south of the tiger tribe. There's tall grass and its surroundings is nothing but tree's. Oh god if i hit into a tree im plucking someones butt feathers...

"Senexxa we will start with air currents and wing movements." Cale tells me.
He pulls out his wing's so does Asriel. They both nod to eachother.
Cale guides my wings open.

"Try moving your wings with your back muscles." I try to do as said all i get is a flailing wing on my right it hits Cale in the face. I laugh.

"Sorry." I tell them as my wings hit everyone i turn around hitting Asriel.

Cale grabs my wings and stops me.

"Okay watch my back and wings okay?" He turns around gracefully. I see his shoulder muscle move and his wing moves up. Oh okay. I try copying. It worked!

"I did it!!" I scream

"Good job Senexxa. Now Asriel show Senexxa how to move her wings when flying." Asriel starts moving his wings in a certain way. That's pretty neat.
I start copying a bit. Its very new to me.

We do this the rest of the evening i learned to move my wings. We also tried to pull them back in but... That's not possible cause i have no beast. I guess if i get more gold crystals i can form my beast of weird traits and then maybe? Cale said that or something like it. I get to try to fly tomorrow with Cale and Asriel holding on to me of course. No butt feathers plucked today...oh and 4 hours ago aunt flow went back to the abyss. All in all we had a eventful day.

I sit on the newly made couch its very cushy.

"Ellious im so hungry... I'm starving. You know what sounds really good? Fruit!"
I tell him. He goes to the kitchen area and gets me a bowl of peeled fruit. Yum

"Thank you sweet heart!" I kiss him and dig in. Yum. I eat a few orange slices, blackberries, grapes, and when i take a bite of banana i run outside puking my guts up. God i feel terrible... was that banana bad?
Ellious and Xander follow me and hold my hair patting my back. Torry hands me a bowl of water. I rinse my mouth out. Yuck..

"Gross... I feel so sick.." I squeak out.

"Senexxa let me check you." Torry asks. I nod agreeing. Torry picks me up and takes me to the creek cause I'll be damned if i don't brush my teeth. He relented and i clean up my face. Brush my teeth. Clean my hair all of it. Then i go to our bedroom i lay on our newly made bed and let Torry check. He looks at my eyes. My mouth he takes my pulse and he looks at me smiling. Ellious and Xander is in the room with us.

"Your pregnant Senexxa." Torry says to us all.
Well holy shit it is possible... Oh my god.. Im 20 and having a animal baby well that's just...

"Um Torry go get Zade. Xander go get Cale please.." I ask them they nod and leave.
"Ellious you need to explain this to me im a human i don't know what to do or how our kids will look nothing."

"Its okay. So our cubs start off as animals when they are born. They only speak the beast language. Hm.. They can turn to their orc form at seven. The males mature fast.. Don't use Xander as a example.. That's a horrible example.. Our females look like little female orcs they take a while to mature. They can go into beast form at seven. And they have their first heat at 15." Ellious informs me. That's interesting... I nod at him when they all walk in. Cale with a beaming smile.

"It's mine i can smell it." Cale says. I jump off the bed and grab Cale around the head doing a head lock and give his head a good hard rubbing.

Ellious's Pov.

"YOU KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL ME??" Senexxa yells. Everyone slowly leaves the room trying not to incur the wrath of their mate.
I sit back enjoying the show. Heh.. Some smart Elder... May know a lot but doesn't know female's.. I chuckle.
I see Cale glaring at me. Xander comes over sits by me and hands me some pine nuts to munch on. We both eat while watching.

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