3. crystals

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"Holy shit your a Red Panda?"
They are so cute I can picture it right now holding the fuzzy little guy in my arms.
Ellious looked at me sadly. Why is he sad? What's going on?
"Can.. Can I see your beast form?"

Ellious took a step to me and sighed with his head down like everything was over.

"If I show you don't scream or run away from me please... Just know I'd never hurt you."
Dejected he stepped away a bit and took to his beast form with cracking sounds. It sounded like it hurt I cringe at the thought. Then I looked at his feet and up My eyes widen. There stands a huge Red Panda before me. I thought they were small but he's the size of a big lion. Maybe animals are bigger here? He has black feet that go into red on his belly. His fur on his back has a golden blond on the tips of his red fur and his tail is gold with red rings like a raccoon. His muzzle is white and he has white marks on his cheeks and eyebrows. The ears have white edges on black . He's so fluffy I want to touch him and run my fingers through the fur. I can't take it I slowly walk up to him and I touch his fuzzy cheeks. Oh my god its like his fur is made of silk. He smells of fresh like  rain and a cucumber smell odd. I cant help it I start rubbing his ears and he moves his head twords my hands more. Awww I want him. No no bad Senexxa he's not a pet he's a person although, I might be able to cuddle him like this in that fur nest.
I hear him give a low quiet growl. Pulling my hand back I give him a questioning look. Did I touch him somewhere he didn't like? His head goes to my fingers as he starts licking them as if asking me to continue with the pets. It gets me giggling on how much attention he wants. Then my stomach sounds like it's imploding. Yep hunger hit all the sudden. I watch him reform back into a man cringing from the sounds that sound so painful.

"It doesn't hurt. Let's get you something to eat." Putting on his fur skirt he gives me the biggest smile. To bright mr keep that up I'm going to fall for you.
"What was it you were looking for outside the cave can I get it for you?"

"Oh that's right.. I need.. Wood to make a fire so I can dry everything and my hair. Also to cook that boar."

"Fire.. Hmm okay I'll get wood for you." He steps out of the cave. Returning about 3 minutes later with a bunch of chopped logs in his arms. I set the wood up and start using the hand drill method which is two sticks one on the ground and one in my hands trying to get friction. My arms are getting tired and Ellious notices. Gosh if i had a lighter right now. Ellious grabs the stick and starts copying me what I was doing.

"So about the clans and other things. I am a human. Im from another place cause I've never seen people turn into beasts. I also don't know how I got here."
I tell him all at once while my heart feels like its squeezing in my chest. All I can think of is my parent's looking for me and fearing the worst as if I was eaten. He wont let me help maybe he's scared I'll hurt myself. I see a bit of glow from the fire and I start to put more wood down and blow to get the embers going. I look at him. He seems in deep thought.
"Ellious what did you mean by father beasts? As in more than one?"

"Yes more than one. There is less females here than males and males can only have one female in their life. So females tend to have many male mate's. It creates a bond which is a mark the mark goes on the females body. If the bond is rejected by the female the male usually goes crazy or dies. Females are precious here. Many females don't mate with weaker males though. The stronger the better for her survival. The mark shows also how much the female likes her mate if the mark is closer to her heart then they are more favoured. Also females are scared of ferals. Ferals are unwanted beasts or crazed beasts that will hurt females and clans alike. That's why.."
Ellious gives a sad smile twords me.

"Ellious are you a feral?"
I curiously ask as softly as I can to not hurt him it seems like a touchy subject.

"I am. I wont hurt you I'll try my best to please you if you will be my mate." He looks directly in my eye's. Wow how can this handsome man be a feral.

"Um I'm not against it but, I want to know you more first. What um level? Are you? Uh i mean how strong are you?"
Talking to a handsome man while blushing and grinning like a idiot is hard.

"Im a 5 star beast. Once a beast reaches 5 stars they can break through and rarely get a power. Mine is plants. I can control plants on how they grow. That's why our cave has the flowers over the entrance. I heard female's like flowers." Ellious gives me a smirk. The tips of his ears are red. Aww I'm not the only grinning idiot.

"Okay.. How old are you I'm 20."
He has to be like 20 as well he looks so young and flawless.

"I'm 43 seasons. When do you usually go into heat?" Looking down he set chopped meat on what looks to be a big banana leaf. I didn't even notice he was doing that. I grab a stick and start skewing some meat. He's looking at me like he's never seen someone cook meat before. Or maybe he hasn't.. Wait 43?

"Your 43? No way! You look my age! How did you do that? And what do you mean heat? Like a period? Ehh don't remind me I have my period every month and aunt flow is on her way in like 4 days. Im roasting the meat humans cant eat meat raw." I slump my head down resting on my hand thinking of ideas to keep clean during aunt flows visit. Well good thing there's a lake.
I look up at him his eyes are wide? Ellious looks shocked?
"Um Ellious?"

"Don't tell anyone else about your heat. Females here only go into heat once a season. The fertility is low if anyone knew... It would be real bad... " Ellious mumbles the last last bit.
"Who is aunt flow?"

"It's just a saying not a person.."
Ahhh why me i don't want to talk about my flow. Change the subject Senexxa!
"So you said your 43 how does that work?"

"Oh well males hunt certain ferals of high star marks that have a power. When you kill them you dig their heart out and inside there is a crystal. Depending on the color crystal is what it does. Many have only heard of the colored crystals.
Ill start with common to rare.

White crystals heal your wounds they are the most common.
Red crystals help males when they go up a rank they are not as common as white ones but close.
Blue crystals your body to have more endurance still common but its less than red.
Green crystals give you 10 seasons to you life these are common but not as the Blue.
These are the ones I know what they do there is also yellow, purple, black, gold and the forbidden one which is called a soul crystal. The soul crystal is from your mates heart. It's the bond itself. When their female is dying or to weak to live their mate will give their soul crystal to her so they can be together forever. Although some evil females ask their mate's for it that's where it becomes forbidden. If a female asks their male for something we naturally want to do it to please them. Well if she asks for their soul crystal it becomes black and cursed. Most females don't know about it. Also the male beast has to be a 5 star to even do it but, he has to die to give the soul crystal. It was once said that the female cub of the beast Deity was sent here a very long time ago. She accepted 10 male beast kings as her mates. The other males got jealous and fought for her ending up hurting her. One of her mates gave her his soul crystal and there it produced the life tree for his sacrifice. The beast Deity was angry at the beasts who almost killed his cub cursing those beasts clans to forever be ferals. That every female will inherently know they did something wrong. That's why female's are scared of ferals. Some ferals went crazy with rejection and that's why they will harm females. There's also rejected males from the broken bond that gain the status of a feral because they go crazy too."

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