57. Snow Bears

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Xanders POV

The room was warm. The fire had been tended all night by me of course. Senexxa woke up stretching out. Looking over to see who she was cuddling, it was Asriel.

"Good morning. How are you feeling today, my love." Asriel rubbed Senexxas messy hair it looked so shiny.

"I'm doing okay. I just feel a bit groggy. Where is everyone?" She asks.

"Do not worry my love they are all fine. Oh I figured I'd let you rest with Asrirl." I  tell her. "We can't have the others know I'm your favorite after all." I give a wink to my beautiful female. Ah...

Life is good. I think I will find some frozen fruit for my amazing female.

"Don't listen to Xander Senexxa he's" Asriel starts saying but I interrupt because I already know what he will say.

"The best beast for the job I know. But don't cut yourself to short there Asriel you have some good qualities too. Any who, I will find it for you my love no worries. Don't cry for me I promise I will be back after this long journey." I kiss my lovely female and head out.
As I close the door I hear Asriel say

"What in the beast god. He lost his mind.. what is he getting?" Heh dumb bird only I know what my mate wants and that's frozen fruit. I shake my head.
I walk down the steps and grab a nice piece of warm cooked bread yum. Throwing it in the air and catching it. Hmm... maybe...

Ah I open the door I breath in the crisp frozen air. Shit it's cold.. was not expecting that. I feel a kick on my ass as I lunge forward. I smash into some frozen ice. Ouch.. I breathe out quickly, looking back as the door slams shut. Well their right. I need to hurry and find Senexxa frozen fruit, and I'm just the beast.


"Dumbass letting the warmth out of the house..." Haden growls out.
"What is that idiot up to. Someone needs to follow him to keep him from stirring up trouble. Thayn follow this stupid fox."

"Fine.." Thayn grumbles his shoulders droop down. He walks to the door and heads out.

"I hope Xander and Thayn will be okay.." Senexxa quietly says behind us all.

Everyone turns to give her a reassured grin.


Ah the fresh air. The snow crunching sound. The grey sky. And the snow bears. Wait...

"Snowph..." I shriek out but my mouth is covered I smell Thayn oh good.. that's good..

The snow bear beast lifts his big head to the air sniffing. He looks right at us and I let out a yip sound. Thayn and I start running.

"Pick me up and you can fly!" I scream to Thayn

"I can't turn quick enough in the snow you idiot this is your fault!" Thayn yells at me.

"How is this my fault you followed me to know where the frozen fruits are to get better with our female. If anything this is your fault for following me." Ha! Dummy.

"I just have no words for you fox." Thayn gives me a dumb look.

"Look a gorge we can hide in there!" I point yelling to Thayn.

Thayn nods and we run into a gorge that looks Luke it's covered with blue and clear stones. The ice is thick and the gorge is now looking like a ice cave. Hmm... we run in and hide. Heh..
I put the bread in Thayns pack he has slung onto his back.

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