24. Jack Pot

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Well we have a lot of stone now probably more than what we need but at least it's gathered.
We have a lot of pine logs too.
I started going around the pine trees with Asriel collecting pine sap.. One it makes good soap. Two its amazing for making medicine and good for burning. Three its makes a great adhesive so yeah. Plus im looking at what's actually here.
Im pretty excited we did find a area to build that isn't very far from 2 hot springs. They'd basically be in my back yard which is nice.

I pick a bunch of pine sap. Me and Asriel find a nice river to wash our sticky hands.
I wash up and look around the area. I can't believe what is right infront of us.. Limestone its a gorge of it. I get Asriel to take me over there. When we land i start looking around.
Picking some up to take back. Then i spot a very beautiful rock.

"Asriel this green stone is called malachite. Can you lift it? We can walk back and get help if we need to." Me and my stupid ass.. Bad Senexxa.. Our home's not even built yet and look at me picking up rocks..

"I can." Asriel reassures me.

We end up walking back im carrying the basket that i keep making more heavy for my stupid self.. This is my punishment for wanting more things..
All in all we get back. I sit down on a rock trying to breath. I look at the guys and give them a thumbs up that im okay.
Zade brings me water. Poor Asriel who carried a 2 ft tall rock back. He puts it down and sits by me poor guy.

"Th..thank... You..Asr...Asriel" huffing out. Tonight im going to be a dead frog in the hot pool again. Asriel rubs my lower back which is killing me.

Earlier before we left i explained how to build a good foundation. You dig your foundation spot compact the area fill it with sand and stone. Pretty much. But now i found limestone all we need is shell, clay which there's a lot here I've already seen it.

"Zade is it hard to get shells from where we are?"
I hope not...

"The sea is not far from us. I can go tomorrow to find some for you it will take a whole day or two depends on if i run into something. Do you want me to find luminous pearls too?" He asks me.

"If its dangerous forget it!" He laughs

"It's not to dangerous for me i can find these." He bends down and kisses my forehead.

I look over and Xander is digging the foundation like a mad man in his fox form. He's so fluffy.

I walk onto our dirt foundation and measure in my head what we can build. We used vine and sticks to map out the size to keep the area straight too.
The house will be long we will build a mud room,living room a kitchen, dinning room two bedrooms on the ground area and two bedrooms on the second floor. We will also have a room like we planned under the house for Zade and Ellious to hibernate, and another room under the kitchen for food storage.
So after looking its pretty good.
I grab zade to help me build a kiln and to go collect clay.
I also Ask Ellious to grow some bamboo but we don't have stalks so ill have to wait on that.
I grab some wood and with Zade and me we can build a brick mold and roof tiles.
So after a while Zade and Asriel do that. Nicolius and Cale are cutting stone and stripping bark from the logs and Xander and Ellious are digging. And i start to help but they all growl at me to sit down. Humf..

We ended up getting a abundance of red clay so i figured ill make a bunch of pots also we will need it for our kitchen area.

It gets to be around evening so the guys stop and go hunt. Im setting up our fire area. Nicolius comes back with three big bison. He heads back to get more food... We eat as much as possible there's still a deer left and a bison.

I have Nicolius find a hollow sequoia tree.
He eventuality does. It looks like it was hollowed out by lightning. I get him to cut it where its a barrel shape and a bit shorter than me. I grab sticks and get the left over meat on it.

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