40. Hatchlings

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It's been a few days of me healing I learned a lot about Bailin he's the son of the Tribe leader of the feral scorpions.
His clan broke up into four tribe's this is the only one that hasn't gone full feral. I'm very lucky Bailin and his men found us.
They saved the other female's from capture too.
Bailin is very sweet and patient with me. Apparently all the scorpion female's really want him. When some heard about me being here with him some got extremely vulgar twords me because im pregnant and already from their word's "stealing men" yep...
One woman her name is Kona she's the most foul. I had the misfortune running into her already.

I brush my hair having just took a bath and now im getting ready for some big event here. Bailin made me a dress out of gold silky scale shedding from a dragon. Its beautiful. Its like a tube top dress with a slit down both sides it has a sash belt that has gold and amber hanging from it. Its very comfortable and pretty. I braid my hair and Bailin puts the hair ornaments in for me. I put some bangles on my wrists and the sandals i tie up. I love this area there's a flower they extract oil and it feels nice on the skin.

"Are you ready for the arena my Rose? You get to see the single male's fight."

"Are you fighting?" I ask

"No i have my desert Rose now." He tells me.
Truth be told id be sad if Bailin changed his mind i really like him a lot. I rub my belly while Bailin grabs a few soft furs to sit on at the arena.

"Do you need some fruits?" I nod

"Please i feel like i can't eat enough." I tell him. He grabs fruit putting it in a basket with the furs and lifts me up with one arm.
I grab the basket from his hand and put my arm around him. He wraps his arms around me and i feel nice being embraced by him.

"Bailin i really like you. Will you come home with me when my mate's come here? Will you be my male?" I ask lightly
His smile is bright and his eyes look watery. I hug him tighter and look at him.

"Of course im going to be your male. I told you that already and i will go where you go. I will give you everything you ever wanted. You're mine and i wont give up." I kiss him. Hmm mine then and ill be yours too.
I miss all my hubby's and my kids. They should be hatching soon..
I nuzzle my head into his neck. He smells like saffron like a honey hay smell. Oh maybe they have saffron here.

"Bailin do you have purple flowers here they have a yellow and red in the middle they have six peddles?" I ask him

"We do. Do you want them?" Ahh i want all of them! Saffron..

"After ill show you what we have here i know you are thinking of food so what food is this flower?" Heh... He knows me to well by now..

"It's called saffron its the red middle part you can dry it and use it to flavor food. I love collecting food items plus the cold season is almost here so i need a lot of it."

"Hmm okay Rose ill help you get everything you want." He says

"Thank you Bailin. Your very sweet. Actually you smell like saffron i like the smell then i thought of food and well.." He laughs. Hmm he's so amazing.

We go to the arena and its to much blood for me. So Bailin takes me to the oasis here by his tribe. I get gathering saffron, cumin, coriander and turmeric and fennel yay! I also find mesquite seeds, jojoba, fig, agave, date seeds, lentils, and beans. I also found caster oil plant and emmer. Im going to be planting after the cold season. Yum
We get back and i cook some meat with some chickpeas, onions, cabbage, cumin, coriander, peas, garlic and beans. It smells good. I make it as a stew i add salt and crushed peppercorns for flavor. I let that stew while i start putting the seeds in different pouches.

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