17. Dog House

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A few hour's later Xander comes rushing back with sacks full of cotton. I look for Torry he's not here.

"Where's Torry?" I ask.

"We'll.. You see.. It's like this we picked as much cotton as we.."
Xander started to explain but was interrupted.

"You pillaged our cotton fields you thief!" I see a White haired man standing there looking at Xander with his arms crossed he's tall and stern looking with clear blue eyes. He's very muscular. His eyebrows are sharp with no curve to them. He has a diamond shape jaw and a down turned nose his skin is beige. He's pissed...

"Sorry can you tell me what he did exactly ill pay for all the cotton and he will work to fix anything he destroyed." The male looks at me and smirks.

"Thank you female. Well i guard the tiger tribe. We caught this fox pillaging our cotton fields. A wolf stopped when he found out and stayed to fix things he said he will return. This fox ran." The Tiger beast tells me.
Xander im really going to shave you! I put my hand on my face giving a sigh..

"Im so sorry that happened how much can i pay for the cotton and he will work it off from stealing. I appreciate you coming and telling me if not for that i wouldn't have known any of this. Can you send my wolf Torry home. This was Xander's idea he will work it all off."

Asriel picks up Xander by the back of his skirt and throws him down infront of the Tiger.
Glaring at Xander.

"Two crystals will pay for it and ill send your wolf back. Thank you female." I hand him 2 white crystals and he grabs Xander by the arm and begins to walk him back to the Tribe. Xander... Ugg what am i going to do with you.

Me and Asriel begin finishing things getting ready for dinner.
Torry walks back looking angry he starts to grab some stone and sticks. Curious me and Asriel just watch. Torry starts hammering stuff with a rock. He finally steps back with his arms crossed and with a nod he goes and sits with us. Asriel burst into laughter.. Yes my quiet Hawk man is laughing. I look too and can't help myself. I run off to go pee.. Oh my god!! Torry i love you!! He made Xander a lopsided dog house to sleep in.. Haha. I do my business in a bush clean up wash my hands and walk back over. I hug Torry he just huffs then leans into my hug.

"Torry are you okay?" I ask him

"I am knowing Xander will be sleeping in that shitty pile tonight." He chuckles
This is a whole new side of Torry. After a while Xander comes back looks at me and puts his head down. He tries to go up to me but Torry growls.

"Learn your lesson Fox! They could have attacked here to get you. Do you think your strong enough to protect Senexxa? Don't bring trouble or Cale wont be to happy he just might skin you. You sleep there tonight and think about what you did!" Torry tells Xander calmly. Damn....

"Okay.. So Asriel can you get fish for us all to eat please?" He nods getting into his Hawk form and flies off.
"Torry is right Xander just don't steal okay?"

"Im sorry i won't. Don't kick me away." He gives me his puppy eyes.

"Im not kicking anyone away. You just have to be more considerate you put Torry in a bad situation. I really like you, your funny and a burst of sunshine but i don't want you to do anything dangerous or dumb. Playing tricks on each other is okay but not that." I grab Xanders cheeks and kiss the top of his head. Then i hug and kiss Torry.

"Thank you Senexxa i love you. Your to sweet." Xander tells me.

After a bit Asriel has a large fish in his claws. Xander lays down a stone slab i don't know how he carried it that things the size of a table. Asriel lowers to the slab putting the huge fish down.
It's a huge fresh water pike. Yum! I get to work cleaning it removing it's scales and making fillets out of it. I get Xander to get some oil tree branches he squeezes the oil into a bowl by smashing it with a rock. Hm that gives me idea's.

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