11. My Home

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Ellious turns into his beast form and darts into the forest. Cale stands up and i finish brushing my teeth. Cale dries me off with a goat hide. I grab Cale's hand and slowly walk to the cave in small steps every once and a while i wince so Cale lifts me up bridal style and takes me to the cave he reaches for a blue large pouch. He takes out a white crystal and pops it into my mouth. I swallow it and my whole body feels tingly and renewed. No more pain in my throat or lower region. I have a goofy smile on my face while I look at Cale. He laughs at me being silly. He ruffles my hair. Now for my secret move. I jump on Cale and kiss him.

Cale's Pov

"Well this is nice keep treating me like you do and ill start to expect it. I wink giving my best teasing smirk.
I'll never get used to this I'll never take this for granted nothing she does is normal but i love her. It was at first sigh. I couldn't stop myself. I know my role at the God Tower yet i had to have her.
Im curious though..

"Senexxa those things you used for washing your teeth.. Where did you get them?"

"Oh.. Umm you can't tell anyone but your my mate now so ill tell you. Im not from this world i went to go bathe in the lake in my world and just appeared..after falling.. That's how i met Ellious. I'm not a orc beast im a human. I also have my uh heat every month. That's why we got so much cotton." She smiles at me. And im absolutely stunned. No.. No... This can't be... I have to keep her safe and away from the eye's of the Tower. My heart starts erratically beating. I grab her in a tight embrace.

"Senexxa don't say anything else about any of this. You can tell Zade and Ellious but if you get any more mate's you cant tell them. Just tell them your heat is exceptional because your born under the God beasts star. Promise me?" My voice is choked. Im so afraid to loose you my flower.. Don't say anything please.

"Okay i promise. Cale are you afraid ill leave you? You're all my home im not going back okay?" Her hands holding my cheeks she looks into my eye's. To reassure me. If that was the case.. If you could go back id help send you. Please Beast God protect my mate from the Tower.

Senexxa's Pov

I give Cale my most biggest smile and i hug him tightly. I hope that stops him from worrying that id leave. Me and my stupid mouth.

"Cale can you make me something to wear?" I show him my puppy eyes. He laughs relaxing more. I giggle.
I flop off him to the side of the fur nest Zade is on the far end still asleep. I grin devilishly i rub my hands together. Cale just laughs muffling himself with his hand. He grabs a green silk from his sack and starts to sew. Ever seen flying naked squirrel. Haha oh yeah.
I stand up I back up from the nest. I use the goat hide that was wrapped around me as a cape but im holding onto each end. I run for it and jump. Holy crap weee!! I land on Zade he jumps up and i slide off him into the nest.

"That was so awesome!!"
I shout holding my hands up as if i have a victory. That's how you do flying squirrel. Just usually not naked but they've seen all of me so..

"Senexxa!! You could have been hurt!" Zade's gruff groggy voice tells me. Well he's very much awake now.

"I wasn't going to be hurt cause I have you and Cale here." I stand up and climb up onto Zade. He's warmer than normal because he was wrapped in the furs.
Cale just looks surprised i even did that he looks at us and face palms himself. Hey i had good form on that jump.

Ellious comes back growls at Zade and walks back out of the cave. Zade set's me down kisses me and goes into his half beast form slithering outside too. Im curious now but also very much naked so i sit beside Cale watching him make me a outfit. I touch the material its smooth and shiny like satin. I keep watching his face but he's concentrating on the outfit.
I scoot closer but he doesn't notice or he's hiding it. I get behind him and i run my hands in his hair. Its beautiful. His hair just about touches his ankles. I start brushing my fingers through. Still no response so i start licking his neck lightly. I look at him no response again. So i kiss and nibble on his neck and i reach down in his skirt and start touching him. He groans turns and pulls me on his lap. He grabs my hair and starts making out with me.

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