44. Thayn

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I feel sleepy in Zade's arms he gets me out drying me off and Asriel helps Cale put my clothes on. They take me to our room and they put me on the bed next to my dragon eggs. Xander puts furs on me and i fall asleep.

I wake up feeling something touching my leg i look up. Its Nicolius he's rubbing my calf it feels amazing. 

"Nicolius.. That feels amazing."
I whisper

"Can we have hatchlings my love?" I nod and pull him up onto me. Wrapping my arms around his neck i pull him closer kissing him slowly.
"I love you Senexxa. I asked for next but i think your body should have a bit of a break first. How about after the dragons hatch. Then we can have ours. I want you to rest and enjoy not being pregnant for a bit. Your everything to us we don't need cubs or hatchlings right away we have all the time in the world with you. I want you to know we cherish and appreciate everything you do for us. Your so special to us."

I tear up and hug Nicolius. Aww

"I love you so much. Im so thankful to have all of you my love. Thank you. I appreciate everything you all do for me too. I'm so lucky." I kiss him softly. He holds me and we just talk about protecting our home and all of us. I mention the wall idea to him. He thinks its a good idea.

I see Chip and Zen dart into the room jumping up onto the bed. Aww

"Chip, Zen what are you both doing?" I ask.

"Big scary Bird! Mama!" They chirp.

"What big scary bird? Where's daddy's at?" I ask while getting up.

"Lets go see this scary bird." Nicolius puts a few furs on the eggs and i pick up my two boys. We walk outside.
I see my hubby's growling at this man standing there. Wow... He's beautiful. My other sons run to me hiding behind me.

"How dare you! This is our clans spot to migrate to. Where is this female of yours!" The man says. Oh.. Opps...
I walk over.

"That would be me im their female." I tell this gorgeous man.
He sighs rolling his eye's and turns to me.

"Well you... Uh.." His eyes widen.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Hem.. I came here to let you know this whole area is where my clan migrates usually. This is the perfect spot for my clan to have baby's." He clears his throat and tells me..

"Im sorry i didn't know. Is it possible we can all work it out nicely? Id prefer no yelling at other's i don't want any animosity. We came here for safety reasons. Its more safe for my hatchlings and my family here." I ask this guy.

"Haa... Well my clan doesn't get along with outsiders you see.. I will try my best to coax the tribe leader since i have more say. Would those female's take in one of the Phoenix clan male's as a mate? You understand you would have to as well right? Don't worry id choose myself to be your male since we have already met."
He smirks at me.. Wow.. What the fuck do i say to this..

"Its up to them and i don't plan on taking more male's... Im sorry." I pet Zen and Chip.

"These are your hatchlings?" I nod to him.

"Yes they are mine."

"Well according to the beast Deity law then. I challenge any of your male's to a fight for you female." The audacity of this male..

"Fuck..." I hear Nicolius whisper. I give him a questioning look.
"He's stronger than all of us."

Tripp walks up. To him

"Ill fight you." Tripp tells the guy.

"Hm.. This is your strongest male? You need a strong male like me. Don't worry female i wont harm him to much." He tells me.

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