16. The Location

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All the men got into their beast forms carrying the sacks. They decided since Torry is weaker I'll ride on his back that's incase someone attacked us so they can defend me. I play with Torry's soft black fur he has crystal blue eye's his wolf beast is huge im used to the beasts forms being bigger by now. His back is probably 5 ft alone. Asriel's hawk form is beautiful he's gray with orange eyes and black tail feathers his beak is normal orange yellow with a black tip. Dang he has some claws too. Xander is as fluffy as he said, he looks like he went through a dryer. His whole body is a chocolate brown with white cheeks and eyebrows. His eyes are still a reflective gray he's very lithe and agile when moving. Cale is flying above us and so is Asriel. Im holding a sack of cotton.. They wouldn't let me carry anything else or walk.. I look at the guy's Xander is jumping off logs and rock's being playful. Torry is walking along in between where Asriel and Cale loop around. We stop for lunch in a clearing. It's getting warmer but not by much. I sit on a fur and look at the guys Xander took off to hunt for fruit and meat. I brush my hand on a few plants then i see it. Sugar beets!

"Oh my god!" I shout

"What?" they all start to get up. Cale asks me

"Sugar beets! Torry look!"

Torry comes over closer and starts digging a bunch up for me. Oh yes come to mama! Sugar in coffee yes please. I get up dancing im so excited. Cale laughs at my probably odd weird movements. He pulls up 7 large sugar beets. I put them in a sack look at the guy's apologetically. Cale chuckles taking the roots out of the sack and puts them in Xanders. We all chuckle. Im not telling. Haha
Oh my men are hilarious.
Cale winks at me and smiles

Xander comes back and we all eat and continue our journey.
Torry keeps growling sounding like a guttural laugh every time Xander stops to fix his sack. We find a small cave and decide to stop for the night. We set up a fur pile to sleep on. Xander rubbing his lower back. Torry just bursts out laughing.

"Man that was a hard journey. My sack got heavier as the day went on." Xander says

"Well that's normal as you get more tired things tend to feel heavier." Cale tells Xander.
I feel bad because each time we stopped id find something and put it in the sacks but all the other's took the things and put them in Xanders sack. I decided i was going to repay him by rubbing his back.

"Xander ill rub your back for you." I tell him.

"Just can't keep your hands off me? Is it because you seen my handsome strong fox form?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me with a smirk.

"Um actually you look like a fur ball with legs and a tail but your back is hurting so ill rub it for you so you can feel better." I chuckle wiggling my eyebrows back at him to be funny.

"So im cute?" Grinning wider

"Yes your cute. Lay down on your stomach." I tell him rolling my eyes. This fox.
He lays on his stomach and i straddle his butt. I start to rub his lower back up to his shoulders. I see Cale start to remove things from Xanders sack and put it in his. My god these men are cunning. After about a hour i hear Xander snoring. Yep.. My work here is done. I start rubbing on Torry's back too. Asriel is still in his Hawk form just watching me. Cale looks left out.

"Don't worry you're next Cale. Do you want me to rub on you too Asriel?"
I look at him. He just buries his head under his wing shyly. I chuckle. Torry is out after about 20 minutes so i walk up to Cale.
He flips over quickly and i start working his stiff muscles. He relaxes more. And i give him a kiss on his back. I rub some knots he had i feel his tension in his shoulders go. I lean over to see his face and he's out like a light. I walk over to Asriel. I touch his wing. He peeks at me from under his wing.

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