Breakups and Bad Dads

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~ Damon ~

After finally getting Mallorie to wear one of the outfits she had in her closet to the Lockwood party, Damon headed down to the cellar to get some refreshments before starting his day. He hadn't slept which would make it easier for him to flip his switch. Knowing that Mallorie would likely be a minute getting around for the day and Elena wouldn't be up for at least an hour, Damon power-napped on the couch.

He woke up to Mallorie gently nudging him. "Either get up and drive me yourself or give me your keys so I can get to Elena's."

"I'm up." Damon sat up. "Give me two minutes to...freshen up."

Before Mallorie could reply, Damon used his vamp speed to go upstairs, shower, and change his clothes. As he left his room, Damon spritzed on some cologne, for good measure. You can't go out in front of the entire town without smelling as good as you look.

"Ready to go?" Damon asked.

"I was ready five minutes ago." Mallorie crossed her arms.

"Well, now Elena is ready. Come on." Damon walked to the car. 

Mallorie fidgeted all the way to the Gilberts' house. Damon tried to comfort her, but it seemed like everything he said bounced off. If Mallorie wasn't willing to hear his words, he couldn't help. But, he was going to be there for Mallorie and Elena if he had to. It was time to be a better man.

"Elena, I need to tell you something," Mallorie said as soon as Elena answered the door.

With a confused look between both of them, Elena reluctantly let them in. "What's wrong?"

Mallorie grabbed Elena's arm and led them to her old room. "This whole morning I was trying to figure out how to tell you this, but I think it's just best for you to hear it for yourself."

As Mallorie played back the recording for Elena, Damon couldn't believe his ears. Stefan did sound serious. There's no way he could mean anything he was saying. Elena was the love of his life. As much as Damon gave him hell for it, he would be the first to know. He really had flipped his switch off.

Tears streaked down Elena's face as the message continued. Damon took this as his opportunity to leave. After he stepped into the living room outside of Mallorie's old room, Damon began to pace. There had to be a way to get Stefan to snap out of this. If only he hadn't killed Lexi. She would know how to fix this.

"How's it going in there?" Damon asked when Mallorie came out of her old room.

Mallorie wiped away a stray tear. "Not good. She asked for a minute to collect herself." Mallorie grabbed his arm. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Damon asked.

"The recipe for chili is on the counter. I told Elena we'd get started on it," Mallorie said as she pulled him toward the kitchen.

"Chili? For the Lockwoods'? Doesn't everyone bring chili?" Damon asked.

Mallorie rolled her eyes. "Shut up and help me"

Damon and Mallorie had the chili on the stove cooking before Elena emerged from Mallorie's old bedroom. "Thanks for getting the chili going."

"Why chili?" Damon asked. Mallorie elbowed him in the ribs. "I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck. Everybody brings chili." He glared at Mallorie as Ric entered the kitchen. "Hey, Ric."

"What's up?" Ric shot the three of them a questioning look.

Elena adjusted the heat on the chili and added a few more spices. "What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?"

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