"I need you to stop picking fights man" he said. This officer in particular was easy on me because he knew the things I fought for had a reason.

"Hey, I did what had to be done. I'll chill if they do" I said and held my hands up in defense.

"Alright go to your cell and wash up, it's almost cell time anyway" he said and gave me a first bump before I walked off.

I left the pod and went up to my cell and flopped down on my bed after washing my hands.

"Good fight out there man" Red said as he entered our shared cell.

"Easy peasy now bro" I said and he hopped on top bunk.

I closed my eyes and thought about how Maddie was now 2 and Ryker was almost 1. He'd be one tomorrow.

Y/n's POV

Today was June 7th, the day before Ryker turns 1.

He's grown up quite a bit and so has Madison.

"Ry come here so I can put pj's on you boy" I said and he giggled from the room and I heard his little feet run.

"Rah! Whatcha doin bubby?" Wes's voice asked as Ryker giggled again.

I walked to the commotion and seen Wes kissing Ryker's belly since he in fact, was only wearing a diaper.

"Ba ba" Ryker managed to stumble out.

"Pj's and then ba ba" I said and he clapped his hands. Wes jumped around and then laid him down on the couch so I could change his diaper and put him in pj's.

After I did, I got his bottle (ba ba) from the warmer and I sat on the couch and cradled his small body as I fed him.

There was a dip in the couch and and an arm lay over my shoulder, pulling me into his chest, I realized it was Wes.

We were super close now, but we were still friends.

When I found out about Colby's jail situation for the second time 3 months ago, I lost my shit and couldn't deal with the kids for a few hours so he did everything to make sure all 3 of us were okay.

Elton's bedroom door closed from upstairs and he quietly walked down, seeing that Ryker was about to lay down.

"Hey, just to let you know. That room up here is still open if you wanna take that" he said lowly so he didn't disturb.

"I'll get into it the day after tomorrow, when is everybody coming over so I know when to start decorating" I asked.

"Like 5:30" he responded and I nodded. I should start decorating at 3 just to be sure.

Ryker's birthday party was set as an evening one so we can go swimming tomorrow night and have a bonfire with our friends and family.

The bottle was finished and I got him to burp before rocking him to sleep.

Then, I laid him down in the pac-n-play since Maddie was in the bed.

But when I looked over at her, she was awake.

"What is it baby? Come on" i asked and picked her up, sitting her on my hip.

I finally had my body back even though I have my stretch marks but it makes it more special to me.

I was back down to being slim and skinny, but since kids... my ass and boobs have gotten so much bigger, as well as my hips getting wider.

I carried her out to the living room where Elton and Wes scrunched their brows.

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