Chapter 52

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Y/n's POV

"Welcome home!" They whisper yelled as we stepped in the door. I was leaning against Colby with our arms interlocked, he was holding Maddie's carseat in the other hand.

It took me a minute to see everyone's faces but I smiled at all of them. "Oh you guys" I whined and laughed, letting go of Colby.

There were 'awes' and 'oh my goodness's' coming from every direction when they saw Maddie.

I had seen Sam with a camera in the middle of everybody. "Hello" Colby said out to them and they made way for us to get to the living room.

"Okay okay, give them some space" Corey told everybody, waving them away from us.

We went into the living room and I sat down on the couch, lifting Maddie from her carseat and resting her in my arms.

"I know all of you want to hold her but please... please be patient" I said to them as they came and sat all around.

"And no kissing" Colby said with a serious tone, creating scared faces on a few. "Exactly" I said with a smile and we went down the line.

We let our roommates who hadn't held her yet go first, then we went on to everyone else.

"So, after you all hold her, we are going to eat and then we can go watch a movie that I made" Colby said and I darted my eyes up to his.

"Wha-" I started and he cut me off. "Don't worry darling, it's not that long" he told me and I just smiled, still thinking about it as Maddie was passed down to everyone.

The line was excluding Colby and I for obviously reasons. But the order was, Aryia, Jay, Andie, Cassie, Reggie, Jake, Tara, Doni, Aaron, Matt, Alex, Devyn, Corey, Elton, Ginger, Kat, Sam, Nate, Seth, Chazz, , and Kevin.

They all held her for short periods of time, that was because some were scared they would drop her.

"Alright guys, time to eat" Colby announced and just then, Maddie started to cry.

"We will be right back after this short message" Corey said and cut the cameras, causing us to laugh.

I walked up to her nursery, Devyn following behind me.

"She is so beautiful Y/n" she told me as I laid the baby on the changing table. "That she is" I said back, grabbing a diaper and starting to change Maddie's diaper.

"I'm so glad she's okay" she said and I nodded with a sigh. "Me too, but I'm scared for the future, like... will it affect her?" I said as a statement.

"I hope not. But just have hope okay? She is a beautiful baby that we are all so grateful to have a life with" Devyn told me and I calmed down a bit.

I finished changing her diaper and then we all went back downstairs.

"Alrighty, let's get this party started!" I exclaimed and handed Maddie over to Elton who was reaching out to hold her.

We waltzed into the kitchen and seen the food that they all made for the occasion.

It was all so good, I needed a home cooked meal after eating hospital food and tender greens the past 3 days.

I kept glancing over to Elton and Maddie and was in admiration. Elton would be such a good dad. I thought to myself.

It was adorable to see the way he talked to her and kept her content. He held her all the way through eating and I could see Ginger admiring them as well.

"He would be an amazing dad" I said as I walked up behind her. "Yeah, he would" she replied and I could see the tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head and let out a slight scoff.

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