Chapter 69

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Colby and I had gotten out of the car and were walking over to the rest of the group.

"You guys okay? Y'all held back a bit there" Ginger asked and I nodded stiffly.

"Yeah no, everything's alright" Colby said as he looked at me and gave me a soft smile that I couldn't help but return.

I noticed Sam had sat his camera on the hood of Corey's car since we took two.

"Okay so I know Tara and Devyn are staying in the car but they need to be in the intro" Kat said and we all nodded.

"Ok" Tara and Dev said in unison.

We all got into a group form that allowed us all to be seen. I decided to be close to Colby, not thinking about the fans...

Sam hit the record button and turned on the flashlight to reveal us all when they started the intro.

"What's up guys! It's Sam and Colby" Colby exclaimed to the camera.

"And today here we are with everyone in the house except Aaron since he is working on moving so he's been super tired. But, here is some news for you guys, she may be a little familiar or maybe alot" he laughed.

"Y/n's back!!" They all called out to the camera and I cracked up, the weird feeling finally giving off.

I waved and smiled, "yes I am back" I said and Colby spoke, "for good" he said and I looked up at him then back at the camera.

"I am back for good" I said warmly and a few people clapped.

"So, since she is back we decided... let's go do a little investigating in another familiar place that we have always said we wouldn't come back to but yet... here we are at suicide bridge" Sam said and I got nervous hearing the name.

"Suicide bridge... man I never thought we'd be back here" Colby sighed out.

"I don't want to be back here" Corey said and we all laughed. "Eh you'll be alright" Elton said as he patted his shoulder.

"Again, since Y/n is back, we are going to have her play the Ouija board with us" Sam said into the camera and I turned to face Corey with a smile across my face.

"Great, I'm not touching it. No" he said and Elton turned to him. "Oh come on, you touched when Y/n and I pranked you" said Elton.

"That was different! I thought you were possessed!" Corey told him in defense.

"Corey" I said and got his attention. "You don't have to play but you do have to participate in it somehow" I said with a cheeky smile.

"I think she's possessed" he said and I laughed before turning back to the camera.

"Literally all of the history lies in its name so we kinda don't have to go over that, if you guys want to hear history then check out Elton's channel and see that video, link in description" Colby said.

"But again that was like 5 years ago so history is probably updated by now I would think" Jake said and we all nodded.

"Alright, Devyn and Tara are staying in the car just because they don't really want to do this nor do they want to end up haunted like their boyfriends" Sam said into the camera before picking it up.

Devyn and Tara told us they were sitting in Corey's car and that they would keep an eye on the outside of the bridge.

The rest of us walked down to the main spot and Sam stayed in the back, filming.

I felt someone brush something against my lower back and then realized no one was close enough to me to do that.

"What the fuck" I said and everyone stopped, turning their attention to me.

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