Chapter 61

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Y/n's POV

Its been a couple days and Mark has brought back updates on Jacob for me. I was glad he was away, in jail. How did he find me? Kept on running through my head.

He knew where I was at the hotel and potentially at the house and now he's here. He's either following me everywhere or tracking me- tracking me! What if there's some type of device in my stuff?

I ran out of the living room and into my bedroom and began searching. My phone rang in my pocket while I was opening my closet, it was Jay.

"Jay hello!" I exclaimed and he made a noise.

"Hey what are you doing?" He asked and I panted out.

"Come over" I said and he clicked his teeth. "I have Ayla" he told me and I smiled.

"Bring her too, she can watch tv or something. I'll explain when you get here" I said and hung up.

Then he texted me.

J: Are you okay? I'm getting Ayla ready now.

Y/n: Yeah just come on.

J: 👍

Since I knew he was coming I decided to call Elton and let him know.

It rang a few times before he answered "Uncle Eltonnn" I dragged out. "Y/nnn" he said in the same way, "hey so you know how the boys and I seen Jacob at that hotel when I first found out I was pregnant?" I questioned.

"Mhm" he said and I sighed, "well since he was here now he was most likely at the TrapHouse so Jay and his little girl are coming over and I'm gonna get him to help look through my stuff if theres a tracking device" I explained and he sucked in a breath.

"Wow. Okay, please let me know if you find anything cause he probably has addresses saved" he said and I nodded to myself.

"Yeah, I just thought I should let you know. How are things there?" I asked and he sighed.

"Well, Corey and Devyn's dog Navi bit the shit out of my hand yesterday and I have 8 stitches. Maddie is doing good, I'm feeding her right now" he said and I heard shuffling and a door open.

"Y/n!" A little voice called out. "Hey uh I think their here, I'll talk to you later. Bye Elton" I said and hung up.

"Ayla!" I called back and her little legs carried her as fast as they could into my room.

I bent down and grabbed her, stood up and spun her around while hugging her.

She squealed and I smiled at the noise. When I out her down I looked up and seen Jay standing in my doorway smiling ear to ear.

"What?" I asked and Ayla turned around. "Yeah, what daddy?" She asked in a sassy tone that caused us to both let out a chuckle.

"Hey bug, let's go watch some tv in here" I said as I walked towards the door to the living room.

"Okay!" She said and ran in and jumped on the couch.

"LaLa, careful" Jay said and I shook my head at him with a smile.

I turned on the tv and flipped through until she called out. "Paw Patrol!" She squealed and I went back to the channel.

"Here you go, your daddy and I will be right in here if you need us" I said and I sat the remote down and walked back to Jay.

"Why'd you sound so panicked?" He asked as I sat on my bed.

"You know my ex Jacob, the one you punched?" I questioned and he nodded.

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