Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to a light bright in my eyes, I shut my eyes from the brightness.

"Oh good your awake- sorry" A lady said as she turned the lights off so I could open my eyes.

A hospital? Why was I in a hospital? Where are Sam and Colby and the rest of the group? Are we back in real time?

"Excuse me, when can I see the people I came here with?" I asked the nurse as she handed me a water cup.

"Oh let me go get them but are you feeling okay honey?" She asked and I nodded. "Just a little sore around my side" I told her.

"Yes, deep cuts but they are all taken care of, let me get your friends" she sweetly said with a smile.

I don't remember much from before, only crawling in pain due to these cuts.

I sat in the room for a few minutes until I heard a few male voices speaking, It was Sam and Colby.

"Look i'm sorry but please just try to act normal, for her" Sam said lightly, What were they talking about?

Footsteps got closer and a small knock made its echo through the room. "Hi" I said with a smile as Colby walked over to me.

"Are you okay? Im so sorry Y/n, I didn't mean for this to happen" He said as he engulfed me in a hug.

I winced in pain due to my cuts but I didn't mind, I wanted to make sure he knew I was okay.

"I'm okay Colbs, just a little pain but I will be okay" I whispered to him kissing his cheek.

I felt a salty wet sensation on his face, I grabbed his face to where I could see it and frowned. "Oh love, it's okay i promise" I said wiping his teary eyes.

We broke apart and I seen everyone else standing there watching us in admiration. "Hi guys" I said with a small giggle.

"Look at her, she's amazing and already laughing" Jake said coming over to hug me.

We all got a chance to share the love and hug but I felt a deep sadness in the room. There was something going on with Sam and Colby.

"Hey Sam can I talk to your for a minute? Can everyone step out it'll be quick" I said with a smile and all of them nodded and walked out.

Colby was the last to leave and he slowly walked out, his head hing low.

"What's going on between you two?" I asked as he sat in a chair beside my bed. "It's you" He said with a sigh and my heart dropped.

Me? Between them? Am I ruining their friendship? No.... right? Fuck.

"Sam, w-what do you mean its me?" I said with pain drawn in my voice. "He was mad that I left you there, your his one, his love. Y/n, he wanted us to get you before him, your his top priority" Sam explained as he grabbed my hand.

My heart felt a little better knowing the reason. "Sam, you did what you had to. You did the right thing, getting Colby out of some made up insane world before being able to get me back. Im here, he doesn't need to worry anymore" I told him.

I hadn't realized I was crying, "Y/n... don't cry" he said wiping my tear. I felt bad, that Sam and Colby had a weird thing between them. Over me.

"Sammy, I will make this right between you guys, I'm not going to get in the way of you guys. I promise" I told him, squeezing his hand.

I didn't want to hurt them, I didn't want to be the reason they hurt each other. Had I made a mistake? I don't think so because no one seems to hate me around here but I feel like I'm intruding their personal space.

He nodded and stood up, "I will let them back in" he said walking towards the door and I gave a small smile.

Everyone walked in except Colby, he stood at the door and looked at me. A tear running down his cheek, he wiped it and took a deep breath finally coming into the room.

I smiled at him and he did the same. He walked over to me and I grabbed him, pulling him into the bed.

"Y/n I don't want to hu-" He started and I cut him off. "Colby, really Im okay now get your ass in here" I said slapping the bed beside me.

He looked at the others and they gave him a shrug, then he sat down and cuddled up next to me. I checked the time and it was already 4PM.

I wasn't tired from being up early because of the long nap I took while unconscious.

We all sat around and talked, specifically keeping a happy vibe. A nurse would come in every half hour to check in on me. She yelled at Colby for being in the bed but I convinced her it was not causing me pain and I wanted him here.

We talked on and on, for 5 long hours. It was now 9PM. "All right, were heading out. You coming Colby?" Aaron said as everyone stood up.

He looked at me and I nodded at him but he disagreed. "I'm staying here, y'all go on without me" He said to them.

I didn't understand why I meant so much to him but I stuck with it. "I hope you get to feelin better Y/n, we will be back over tomorrow around noon" Sam said and I nodded with a smile.

Once they left I turned to Colby. "You sure you don't want to go? I will be okay" I asked him and be nodded his head as a no gesture.

"I want to be here, with you" He said laying his head on my shoulder. "Okay my love, try and get some sleep. Please." I told him while resting my head on his.

I drifted off to sleep a while after only to be awaken by sobs coming from the other side of the room. It was 4AM and the spot where Colby once was, was now empty.

I seen a figure in a chair with his head in his hands. "Colby?" I called out and the sobs quietened. "Honey come here" I said sitting up.

He stood up out of the chair and walked towards me, "Come on, down here" I said as he sat down. I pulled him onto me to lay down on my chest. "Let it out, it's okay" I said rubbing his back.

The crying went on for a while and not a word was said. My hospital gown was soaked on a spot on my chest.

Had I done this to him? Am I the reason he's crying? I asked myself but the crying slowly stopped about 15 minutes later. "Deep breaths, your okay" I said to him running my hands through his thick black hair.

We slowly got him to calm down and I turned on the bedside lamp revealing a puffy, red-eyed Colby. I just pulled him back onto me.

It hurt me to see him like this, I wanted to cry with him but I knew I needed to be strong for him. "What happened?" I asked him after we pulled away.

He just shook his head no and I looked at him with a confused face. "Colby, what it is?" I asked. "I-it was... a night... mare... it was about... the man... he-he is" He let out between heavy breaths and stutters.

That was the most terrifying thing I had ever heard. "What do you mean Colby?" I asked looking him dead in the eye. I watched as his eyes trailed to my side, where the cuts were. Then he looked back up at me, "he's taking over."

Sorry I haven't posted as frequently, I just got a new phone yesterday and had to sign into everything so it took a while but I'm now on track with everything I promise.

Love you guys, hope you enjoyed❤️

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