Chapter 38

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Y/n's POV

After we all ate breakfast, we stayed cozy all day and ate lunch.

After a while, we decided to make dinner and so we did.

Elton, Corey, and Sam grilled out while me, Alex, Andrea, and Devyn cooked mainly everything else.

Kat, Aaron and Colby were on dishes and making sure everything was cleaned up around the house.

We ate chicken and rice, green bean casserole and peach cobbler. Mashed potatoes, ham, sweet potatoes and other sweet desserts.

We invited Mike, Aryia, Cassie, Reggie, Kevin, Jay, Kian, Jc, Brennan, Corbin and Elton's friend Matt. Matt was a stand-up comedian and he was hilarious.

The food was amazing, Corey, Colby's and Sam's family could agree as well. After we had cooked and spent time being lazy, it was getting late.

I checked my phone to see what time it was '6:24' it read. "Babe, you wanna get everyone here for presents now?" I asked Colby as he walked up to me.

"I was just about to ask you that, sure" he said before climbing on the counter. It reminded me of Sam, the day I met Sam and Colby and everyone else.


"Hi" I said smiling to Kat, I was already having a good time. I heard the music stop when I looked over and saw Sam standing on the counter with the speaker.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, either that be dancing, talking, drinking, eating, or just chilling around, they all looked at him.

"I'd like everybody to meet y/n! She is a friend of Colby's and decided to come hang out with us tonight" Sam said pointing his arm out towards me.

Everyone greeted me and I told a few of them how big a fan I was of their music and/or videos.

~End of flashback~

I smiled at the memory and then heard Colby's voice. "Okay everyone! Go sit in the living room, gather round its present time!" He announced and everyone cheered.

I laughed as I watched him slip on the counter before he got off. "Heyyy careful" I said dragging out the hey.

"Okay okay, come on" he said, kissing my head and grabbing my hand. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

People were on the floor, LuvSacs, standing, couches, chairs, or even kitchen chairs.

"Okay, Elton and I will give them out. You each have some so be patient" Colby said to everyone and they listened.

Around 10 minutes later, everyone had their presents and we went down the line of everyone in order.

Corey, Devyn, Corey's family. Alex, Colby's family, Colby, me, Andrea, Elton. Sam, Kat, Sam's family, Jay, Mike, Aaron, Brennan, Cassie, Reggie, Matt, Kevin, Kian, Jc, Aryia, Corbin.

Colby got a new pair of Vans, rings, chains, and jeans. I got makeup, new Nike's, a camera, filming stuff like Alex.

"There's stuff for the baby that you can open together" Colby's mom said. "There are things from us, and Sam's family too" Corey's mom said and I smiled.

This baby is spoiled already. I thought to myself.

We got some clothes and a matching pajama set for me, Colby and baby girl. Paci's and bottles, and little toys. Sam had gotten her his merch. So did Elton, Aryia, Kian and Jc, and Colby. I thanked them and then Andrea went.

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